and all the beings subsist thereon, in God's way, are assembled to 44, 508, See also Emancipation, and God, 6, 65, 70; paradise and pure Heaven (d).
wives for believers, 6, 80; tortures (C) IN BUDDHISM.
of hell described, 6, 8o; lasting woe The evil-doer suffers, the vir- in the fire for disbelievers, 6, 102; tuous man delights, in f. 1, 10 (i), the next world preferable to this 6 sq., 47 sq.; Upasîva's question world, 6, 118 sq., 178, 235, 253; 9, and Buddha's answer as to f. 1., 103, 124, 207, 209, 213, 329; return (ii), 197-9; what sort of deliverance to God, 6, 137; promise of paradise is there for him who is free from for the believer, 6, 183, 185, 187, desires ? 10 (ii), 202 sq.; longing 192 sq., 196, 207, 217, 235, 237, for f. 1. blamed, 11, 1o, 10 n., 27, 241, 247, 253, 261; 9, 290 sq.; mis142; 35, 174; 36, 66; Buddha de- believers love this world's life better scribes to Ananda the fate after than the next, 6, 238, 262; disdeath of several of his followers, belief in f. 1. rebuked, punishment 11. 25-7; different views of a f. l., for it, 6, 252, 256; 9, 2, 99 sq., 126, 19, 105; f. 1. looked upon as dung 150 sq., 252 sq., all souls pass by Buddha, 35, 200 sq.; question through hell, but the good will not as to a Tathâgata's life after death be harmed, 9, 32, 32 n.; verily, the not answered by Buddha, 35, 206; life of this world is but a provision, Nirvâna allays the craving after f. 1., but, verily, the hereafter, that is the 36, 190; the Bhikkhu shall resolve abode of stability, 9, 194. See also never to enter upon any f. l., 36, Paradise, and Resurrection. 285; seek not rebirths afar in future (e) IN CHINESE RELIGIONS. states. Pray, what could heaven itself King went on high and died,' 3, advantage you! Now, in this present 45, 45 n.; 27, 108, 108 n.; "his world, and in the state in which you recently ascended majesty' = the find yourselves, be conquerors ! 36, deceased king, 3, 244; ancestor 328: uncertainty regarding f. 1., 49 worship and belief in f. 1., 3, 301; (i), 99; reception of the Buddhist King Wăn is on high and ascends devotee after death in the land of and descends on the left and the bliss, 49 (ii), 189-99.
right of God, 3, 377 sq., 378 n.; the (d) IN ISLÂM. .
three Sovereigns Thái, Kì, Văn Bridge over hell, Es Sirât, and were in heaven, when Wû became partition wall, El Aarâf, 4, 219 n.; their successor, 3, 393; a lady com6, lxix, 143; 9, 32 n.; Arabian be- forts her lover that when dead they lief in f. 1., 6, xiv; happiness in will share the same grave, 3, 440 ; paradise for the believers and right- no reference to f. 1. in a widow's eous, everlasting torments in hell expression of grief at the death of fire for the unbelievers and wicked, her husband, 3, 441; man when 6, xxv, lxi, 4, 11, 33, 47 sq., 50, 62, dead is in the ghostly state, 28, 203 69-71, 74, 89, 109, 115, 141-4, sq.; descriptions of purgatory in 196; 9, 17 sq., 26, 31 sq., 39 sq., modern manifestoes of Taoism, 57 sq., 62 sq., 84 sq., 94, 178 sq., 39, xii, 43 sg.; retribution in this 123, 126, 132, 136 sq., 157 sq., 160 life, not in f.1., 39, 39; 40, 235 sq., sq., 166, 169 sq., 180, 183-5, 191, 244, 244 n.; the happiness of the 194, 201 sq., 205, 207, 216 sq., 220, state after death, 39, 149; 40, 6 sq. 228, 229 sq., 233 sq., 249, 260-9, See also Death (b), Hell, Immort273, 276 sq., 287, 297, 309 sq., ality, Moon (d), Nirvana, and 312-17, 319, 324 sq., 327, 334, 338; Soul (e). paradise promised to those fallen Fû Yüeh, see Yüeh. in war, 6, xxxvi, xlii, 82 sq., 9, 282; eschatology, 6, Ixix-Ixxi; fear the day wherein ye shall return to God; then shall each soul be paid what it has carned, and they shall not be Gâbâla, sce Satyakâma G., and Mawronged, 6, 44; those who are killed hâsâla G.
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