118 sq.; if the A. were not offered, cattle, 44, 126; the A, of one who the sun would not rise, 12, 328; the performs a sattra, 44, 175; expiatory A. as a domestic sacrifice, obligatory ceremonies in connexion with the for every householder, morning and A., 44, 178-96; the A. is a sacrievening offerings in the domestic ficial session ensuring death in old fire, 2, 51; 7, 191; 12, 333 sq.; 14, age, 44, 178; sacred to Pragậpati, 265; 29, 14, 18 sq., 89, 136, 172, 44, 183; is a long sacrificial session, 286 sq., 386, 392; 30, 15 sq., 19-21, 44, 197, 200; how it is performed 39, 196 sq., 265 sq. ; 42, 84, 145; when the Agnihotrin dies, 44, the A. is the ship that sails heaven- 197-200; tainted is the A, of one wards, 12, 345 sq., 44, 185, 190; who is dead, 44, 198; prayers for the Gatilas, who were converted by the morning and evening service, Buddha, flung their hair, their 46, 37 sq., 39, 42 sq., 317; speaking braids, and their things for the A. of truth incumbent on the Agniinto the river, 13, 132 sq. ; good hotrin, 48, 303. conduct more important than the (g) F. WORSHIP IN IRAN. A., 14, 34; the herinit offers the A., Sacredness and worship of f. in 14, 45, 292, 294 ; 49 (i), 74; an Agni- Zoroastrianism, 1, xxii; 4, xiii, lxii, hotrin may perform secret penances, lxiv, lxxv-lxxvii, lxxix sq.; 5, Ixi, 14, 125; gifts to Brâhmanas better 298-300, 298 n., 299 n., 375, 375 11., than A., 14, 138 sq.; 25, 229; the 393-6; 18, 163 sq., 164 m., 171 sq., Nâkiketa rite a kind of f.-sacrifice, 290 sq. ; 31, 258, 37, 231, 266 sq., which leads to heaven, 15, xxi sqq. 350 sq., 358, 368, 470; 47, 91, 154, 4 sq., 9, 12; 34, 247-52; 48, 269; 161, 161 n.; Ardashîr blamed for the merit of offering sacrifices, destroying the sacred f. of the especially the A., 15, 51 sqq., 334, Muleik ut-taväif, 4, Xliv sq.; ket 336-8; times for the A., 25, 32, 32 away or kills the fiends, 4, lxxvi, n., 122 ; 48,527; A. not interrupted lxxix sq., 115, 184 n.; 5, 229, 317, by impurity after death, 25, 182, 342-4; 37, 122; 47,141; the sacred 183 n. ; wife burnt with the A. fires, Bahrâm (Vâhrâm) f., 4, 1xxvi, 115 p., 25, 198; the A. with three sacred 272 ; 5, 185, 202, 206; 24, 96 ; 47, fires, 25, 200; persons unfit to offer 161, 161 n.; meritoriousness of the A., 25, 437, 437 n. ; the per- bringing f.-brands to the Dâityômanent obligation of the A., 34, gâtu, or Bahrâm f., 4, 115-19, 115 lxxviii; 38, 191, 296 sq., 296 n., 313, sq. n.; kept to watch over a preg358-61 ; 48, 177, 693 sq., 702 sq., nant woman and a new-born child, 725 sq.; offered during a whole 4, 184 n.; 5, 316 sq., 322; 18, 59, month at the ayana of the Kunda- 59 n.; 24, 277; 37, 480 ; 47, 30; how pâyins, 38, 250 n., 251, 314; trans- often the f. of Ahura-Mazda must ference of the fire from the Gâr- be fed, 4, 256, 256 n.; they who hapatya fire to the two other fires, treat not friendly his f., offend at the A., 38, 251; a text relating to Ahura Mazda, 4, 281; worship of the A. which forms part of the the f. one of the three (four best mahâpitriyagña, 38, 299 sq.; A. things in the world, 4, 293; 18,417; offered on the eve of battle, 42, 122, offerings not to be made, without 510; to be offered by the sacrificer looking at the f., 4, 347; worship himself in new and full moon nights, of the f. re-established by Pêshyo44, 21 sq., 34 sq.; esoteric doctrines tanû, 5, li, 227, 230; on the nature about the A., 44, 46-8; Uddalaka of the five kinds of f., 5, 61-4, 61n.; Aruni's teaching on the A., 44, 79- the sacred f. Gusasp (Gûsn-asp), 5, 85; worlds conquered by the A., 173, 229; 24, 271, 271 n.; 37, 190; 44, 111 sq. ; Ganaka of Videha on opposed to witchcraft, 5, 185; the the A., 44, 112-15; after performing f. Visnâsp, 5, 218, consecration of the A., one approaches the fires f. and water, 5, 224-7; prayer on saying "Wealth,' and becomes presenting anything to the f., 5, 333, firmly established by offspring and 333 1.; advantage of keeping a f. in
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