Adhâkarmika, Gaina t.t., food of Mitra, Aryaman, and Varuna, specially prepared for a mendicant, 12, 356; mother of the gods, 41, 22, 81, 94, 111 sq.
238; the mother of noble sons, 29, Adharma, Bali-offering to, 2, 107; 33; 42, 181 ; 46, 237; the birth idols of Dharma and A., 33, 319; of her sons, 42, 179, 611; wore an Dharma and A., substances, 45, 153, amulet, when she desired a son, 42, 207 sq.
97, 502 ; the Sun, A.'s offspring, Adhibhàta, t.t., is all perishable 2, 298; mother of Agni, 12, 131 n.; things, 8, 77, 78 n.
41, 232; the wife of the gods, 12, Adhidaivata, is the primal being, 8, 73 sq., 73 n.; 41, 60; the wife of 77, 78 n.
Rita, 32, 261; produced a hymn Adhimâtrakarunika, n. of a for Indra, 32, 242; and Daksha, Brahma-angel, 21, 164.
32, 245-8; and Diti, 32, 255 sq.; Adhiyagña is Krishna, 8, 77, 78 n. 41, 93,93 n.; fashioned the earthen Adhrigu, t.t., see Prayers (c).
womb for Agni, 41, 237 sq. Adhvaryu, see Priests (a, b).
(c) HER APPEARANCE, CHARACTER, Adhyâtma, the manifestation of the
AND POWERS. Brahman as an individual self, 8, 77,
Nature of A., 43, 403; is double.77 n., 316, 316 n., 338, 342.
headed, 26, 57; the black antelope Adi-brahma-kariyam, elementary
skin, the skin of A., 12, 38; A.'s righteousness, 11, 16 n.
girdle, 41, 236; to her belongs the Adikka (Pali for Aditya), Buddha,
upper region, 26, 51; the bounty of the kinsman of the A., or the A.
the Maruts extends far, as the sway family, X (ii), 8, 69, 93, 174, 210,
of A., 32, 210, 241; brings Rudra's Aditi, n, of a goddess.
healing, 32, 419 sq.; the ruler of (a) Who she is. Identifications.
the Fathers, 43, 74. (6) Relations to other deities. (c) Her appearance, character, and (d) HER COSMIC AND MORAL
powers. (d) Her cosmic and moral character.
CHARACTER. (2) Worship of A.
A. is all this whatever there is, (a) WHO SHE IS. IDENTIFICATIONS. 1, 256; is one with all deities, A. is the earth, 12, 25 sq., 73 sq.,
identified with the self, 15, 16; in 73 n., 85, 307; 26, 47-51, 60, 75, her cosmic character, 32, 248-51 ; 207, 207 1., 259 sq., 386 sq.; 32, is made of the deities, is the 255, 263; 41, 18, 60, 90, 125, individual soul, 48, 268 ; in her 232, 242, 280, 378; 42, 206; 43, moral character, 32, 256-60; Agni 27, 69; 44, 6, 181, 268, 293 ; 46, invoked to grant Diti and keep off 121; in the lap of A. (the bound- A., 46, 317, 321 ; Agni invoked to less or inviolable earth), 12, 19; release from sin before A., 46, 354. 42, 212; a name of the cow, 12, (e) WORSHIP OF A. 355 ; 26, 59, 415 sq. ; 29, 276; 30, The goddess invoked, 46, 110, 174; 44, 474 ; is speech, 41, 237 ; 115, 127, 186, 647; invoked when the Infinite, 32, 241-3; a name
sprinkling water round the fire, 29, for the distant East, 32, 242 sq. ;
; 02, 242 sq.; 378 ; 30, 19, 142, 253; worshipped goddess of freedom, 32, 255; at the Vaisvadeva sacrifice, 29,
tined with other deities, 32, 84 sq.; invoked for the protection 254 sq., 261; as a masculine deity, of a child, 29, 54 sq.; invoked at 32, 261-3; Dyaus Aditi, 32, 348, the Kaula rite, 29, 184, 301; in351; Death is called A., 15, 76; voked at the Upanayana, 30, 148; Agni invoked by the name of A., invoked for protection, 32, 258 sq.; 32, 262; 46, 110, 113, 187, 309; invoked with Rudra and the Maruts, the Sun, the quick A., 46, 326, 329. 32, 423; invoked at expiatory rite (6) RELATIONS TO OTHER DEITIES. when the Agnihotra cow should lie
A, and the Adityas, her sons, 32, down whilst being milked, 44, 181; 242-5, 251 Sq., 254, 260; 26, worshipped at the Asvamedha, 44, 12 sq., 12 n.; 46, 83; the mother 291 n., 293, 351 n.; informed of
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