Dûrânsarûn, magician, tries to kill Dvârakâ (or Dvârâvatî), town of the infant Zaratust, 47, xxi.
Krishna, 8, 230; 45, 113; ArishDûrâsrôb (ô), or Dûrêsrôbô, son of tanêmi in D., 22, 277; 45, 115. Mânûskîhar, 5, 134, 134 11., 138, 141, Dvârâvatî, see Dvâraka. 146; 47, 34, 147; a Karap, re- Dvayatânupassanâsutta, t.c., 10 nowned for witchcraft, 47, xxvi, (ii), 131–45. 20 n., 35-40, 43-6 ; ancestor of Dvâzdah-hômast, ceremony of, 24, Zoroaster, 47, 140; the Karap, 330 sq., 330 n. destroyed by Zoroaster, 47, 150 sq. Dvimukha, king of Pankâla, became Durgâ, her epithets or names as a Gaina monk, 45, 87, 87 n. spells, 21, 371 n., 372 n., 373 n., Dvipadâs, t.t., certain offerings at 435 n.
the Asvamedha, 44, 342 sq. See also Durgaya Krishna, n. of a Sthavira, Metres. 22, 294 11.
Dvîpâyana, n, of a great ascetic, 45, Dûrnâmîk, 1.p., 5, 146.
268, 269 n. Dûrôshasp, 1.p., 5, 135, 137. Dvipitaka,an impossible term, 10(i), Dûrvâ grass, see Plants.
xxxii, xxxii n. Duryodhana, hero of the Mahâ- Dvita, an Aptya deity, 12, 47, 48 n., bhârata, 8, 37 sq.
49; Ekata, D., and Trita, 42, 52 1 sq.; Dushpradharsha, 1. of a Tathâ- Âtreya, author of a Vedic hymn, 46, gata, 49 (ii), 100.
405 sq. Dushprasaha, n. of a Tathậgata, Dvivedaganga, his commentary on 49 (ii), 66.
the Brihadaranyaka-upanishad, 15, Dushtaritu Pausâyana, expelled XXX.
from his kingdom, 44, 26y-72. Dwelling, see House. Dutthatthakasutta, t.c. 10 (ii), Dyaus, see Dyu. 148-50.
Dyu (Heaven), Nom. Dyaus, one of Duty, duties, should not be fulfilled the Vasus, 15, 140 sq.; Indra, the merely to gain worldly advantages, child of D., 15, 221; with Aditya 2, 71 sq.; five cardinal d., 3, 38, invoked in danger, 29, 232; Agni, 49; the courses of d. are from the child of D., 32, 21-3; 41, 272; Heaven, 3, 129; everyone who Maruts, the tall bulls of D., boys, performs a great d. has inuch value, sons, servants, men of D., 32, 106, 5, 90 sq.; one's natural d., though 110 sq., 154 sq., 326, 347, 401, defective, is better than another's 405 SQ., 412; called aditi, 'the und. well performed, 8, 56, 127; d. of bounded sky,' 32, 261, 348, 351, the householder, 8, 358-60; common the bull of the Dawn, 32, 343, 346; to all castes, 14, 26; the d. of Maruts roar like D., 32, 392 ; creatures is to understand and per- mother of the Maruts, 32, 444, 448; forin the will of the Creator, 24, Ushas, or D., 42, 661; let D., the 166 sq.; two classes of d., 25, sky, roar down, 46, 25; the treasure 160 sq. ; the different d. in the ten created by D., the father, the beor five relationships of man, 27, 37; getter, 46, 308, 309; Agni an28, 245-9, 313; the divisions of the nounces man's sin to D., 46, 325. day, monitors and guides of d., 31, See also Heaven (e), and Sky. 109, 114. See also Good Works, Dyumna Visvakarshani Atreya, auMorality, and Taxes.
thor of a Vedic hynin, 46, 414. Duwâr, a favourite idol with young Dyutâna, the son of the Maruts, is (Arabian) women, 6, xiii.
the wind, 26, 144. Dusyâirya, the Pairika or demon,
Bad year,' 23, 107 sq., 107 n. Dvaipâyana, see Vyâsa. Dvaitavana, see Dhvasan D. Dvaitavana, n. of a lake, 44, 398. Eagle, see Birds (6). Dvâpara age, see Ages of the world Ear, one of the organs of the head, (a).
41, 402; 43, 190; is the quarters,
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