interpretation of d., 3, 128, 350 sq., of real things (good or ill fortune), 48, 350 n. ; 27, 344 ; 36, 157-61; 48, 75; things seen in d. are Mâyâ, 48, 604; diviners of d. derided, 3, 354; 86; things created in d., 48, 120 Sq.; belief in d., 6, xxi; in the story of the veins (hita) the abode of d., 48, Joseph, 6, 219, 223 sq., 230; im- 379, 384; cognitions of the waking purity caused by bad d., 7, 94 ; in- state are different from d., 48, dulging in d., 8, 269; gods, &c., 513 sq.; the things appearing in d. seen in d., 8, 387 n.; the nature of are the creation of the Lord, not of tranquillity is as when one sees a d., the soul, 48, 601-4; are the reward 8, 392, 392 n.; in d. the person of or punishment for deeds of minor the sleeper (purusha) moves about importance, 48,603. See also Divinafreely, 15, 104; the soul in d., 15, tion, Mâyâ, and Omens, 163-73; 34, lx; 38, 133-41; 48, Drinking, see Spirituous Liquors. 764; explanation of d., 15, 280 ; in Drishadvatî, n. of a river, 46, the early history of Buddha's life, 287 sq. 19, xix, xxi sq.; fourteen auspicious Driwi, Malice, a Daêva, 4, 224. d. seen by the mother of Mahâvîra, Drôn, see Draôna. 22, 219 sqq., 231-40, 244-7; of Drona, Bhishma and, 8, 39 sq., 42, Marudevî, the mother of the Arhat 95 sq.; the Brahman D. restores Rishabha, 22, 281 sq.; Fravashis peace among the kings fighting for invoked against evil d., 23, 208; the the relics of Buddha, 19, 327-33; sun worshipped by one who sees not born in the ordinary way, 38, bad d., 29, 224; expiatory rites 125, 126. and sacrifices on seeing bad d., 30, Dronâsa, n. of a demon harassing 81, 183 sq.; are the work, not of infants, 29, 296. the individual soul, but of the Drought, produces a lawless condihighest Lord, 34, 1x sq.; some d. tion, 44, 18. are auspicious omens, others the Drug, Phl. Drûg, 'fiend,' 5, lxxiii, 14; reverse, 34, 325; 38, 136 sq.; variety --the D. Nasu, or Corpse-D., fiend of d. while the dreaming person of corruption, 4, lxxii sq., 1xxv, lxxxi, remains one, 34, 346; the idealist's 26 sq. and n., 50 sq., 58 sq., 71-4, example of the ideas in d., 34, 420; 76-9, 81-4, 93 sq., 99-101, 99 n., the ideas of the waking state are 106-13, 107 n., 120, 213; 37, 157, not like those of a d., 34, 424 sq.; 160; D. Nasu takes the shape of a d. and the idea of a soul, 36, xxii; fly, 4, 77 sq., 99 sq., 112, 128 sq.; the a discussion on d., 36, 157-62, D. Nasu rushes upon those who 162 n.; place of d., the intermediate refuse to reward the cleanser, 4, 132 place, 38, 133; the Self is the shaper sq.; the D. Nasu, a creature of the of lovely things in d., 38, 133 sq., Daểva, 4, 211;-hell, the mansion 137 sq.; the world of d. is mere of the D., 4, 24, 24 n., 122, 122 11., illusion, 38, 134-6, 140 sq.; moving 176, 223; 31, 141; is with the about in d., 38, 135; are outside the wicked man while he is alive, with body, 38, 135; experts in the science the righteous man when he is dcad, of d., 38, 136; their purpose and 4, 60 sq.; comes from Hell in the cause, 38, 137 n.; in d. we have north, 4, 67 n., 76, 76 n.; expelled perceptions while the body lies by spells and purification, 4, 125 11., motionless, 38, 272; salve, a pro- 126-30, 133 sq., 136-48, 230, 235, tection from evil d., 42, 61; charms 241 ; 23, 47, 50 sq. ; 31, 392 sq.; and rites against evil d., 42, 69, 167, the wicked, embodiments of the D., 221, 483 sq., 592 ; amulet against 4, 189, 192 ; sins that make the D. evil d., 42, 82, 605 ; evil d. and mis- pregnant with a brood of fiends, 4, fortunes wiped off on him who 200-4; 37, 164, 207; weakened by passes between the sun and a person, pious deeds, 4, 285; tremble at the 42, 214 ; birth of Zoroaster an- perfume of the blessed soul, 4, 375; nounced by d., 47, xxi; are unreal, becomes pregnant by food thrown and yet the cause of the knowledge towards the north at night, 5, 318,
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