309; legend of the d. in Avesta abide in hell, 5, 19; 18, 58, 75 ; 24, and Pentateuch, 4, lviji sg.; Zoroas- 9; struggle between angels and d., trian legend of Yima and the d., 4, 5, 19; 18, 270 sq., 319, 319 11. ; 37, 10 sq., 15-21, 251 n.; Tahmuras 21,211., 263 sq.; introduce disaster, and the d, 4, 384 1.; caused by 5, 24; 18, 24; 24, 101; 37, 23, Tîstar, 5, 26, 26 n. ; Noah and the sin of worship of d., 5, 54, 57, 224, d., 6, 209 sq, ; 9, 66 sq., 119, 255 sq.; 302, 369, 369 sq. n. ; 24, 15, 23, 72; at the end of the world, 8, 97 n, 37, 23, 148, 151 sq., 181 sq., 206, 106 n., 260; the punishment of the 207 n., 254, 326; 47, 6, 69, 86, 93, d., 9, 298 sq. ; legend of Manu and 95, 98, 102, 120; men led astray the d., 12, 216-19 and notes; 25, by the d., 5, 55-7; 18, 271; become Iviii; 26, xxx sq. ; 42, 679 sq.; the powerful by men's misdeeds, 5, 56 deluging rain of Malkôs, 18, 109, sq.; use nail-paring as weapons, 5, 109 n. ; 24, 59, 59 n.
71, 342; apes, bears, and negroes Delusion, attachment to objects originated from intercourse with d., of desire is the great, 8, 322; the 5, 87 ; seized on by the angels at contact of objects of sense with the resurrection, 5, 128 sq.; drag senses is the source of d., 8, 335; the sinner to hell, 5, 161; 24, 12, human body characterized by d., 8, 81 ; figures of d. demolished, 5, 193, 343 ; the wheel of life is enveloped 198; the d. with dishevelled hair in the waters of d., 8, 356 sq.; the (i.e. hostile races) rush into Iran, whole world under a d., 39, 326 5, 201-3, 202 n., 215, 217, 220, 223 sq. See also Illusion, Mâyâ, and sq., 227 sq. ; antagonism of Aharnian Papanka.
and the d. to man, 5, 207, 214; 18, Demons.
402; 37, 255 sq., 263 sq.; the (a) In Iran.
leathern-belted d., 5, 223; idol (6) In India.
temples their abodes, 5, 227, 229; (c) In China.
attack him who eats in the dark, 5, (a) IN TRAN.
310; all worship reaches either Impurity is being possessed of d., angels or d., 5, 310; attack Zara4, lxxii-lxxxi; 18, 342, 342 1.; tîst, oppose his birth, 5, 317, 343; threaten the new-born child, 1, 37, 469; 47, xiv, xxi, 19 sq., 27-31, Ixxix sq. and n., 184 n.; 24, 319; 140 sq.; are in the north, 5, 318, concourse of the d. at the gate of 318 n., 346, 370 n.; fifteen fiends, hell, 4, 24, 24 n.; 5, 15 sq., 36; 24, 5, 358; soul threatened by d., 5, 28 sq. and n. ; improper ceremonies 373; 24, 17, 17 n., 21; soul saved appropriated by them, 4, 26 n.; 5, by Srôsh from d., 5, 382 ; he whose 369, 369 sq. n. ; 37, 23, 194; the begetting is owing to the d. has no six chief d. and Angra Mainyu, 4, part in the resurrection, 5, 384 sq. ; 139 n.; repelled and destroyed by resurrection a fear and vexation to fire, 4, 184 n., 272 ; 5, 317, 342-4; the d., 18, 38; assault of the d. on 24, 277, 355 sq. ; 37, 122; cock the corpse, 18, 38, 42; no d. after and dog drive away the d., 4, 197, the renovation of the universe, 18, 197 n.; 5, 73, 331 n. ; 24, 293 sq.; 74, 118; five kinds of d. of life Aharman formed many d., 5, 6; (evil passions), 18, 87 sq., 88 n.; of discomfited, and destroyed, 5, 8, 25, Mâzendarân, 18, 93, 93 1. ; 24, 244 198 sq., 230, 364, 367 ; 18, 85; 24, sq., 244 n.; unable to injure their 83 sq., 101; 37, 227 sq. ; 47, 125; enemies, the d. destroy their friends, names and accounts of d., 5, 9 sq., 18, 113, 113 sq. n.; sacred girdle a 18 sq., 27 sq., 105-14, 128 sq., 215 means of contesting the d., 18, 129sq.; the assistants or confederates 32; torment the apostate in hell, of Aharman, 5, 15-17; 18, 93-113; 18, 138; defeated by the sacred their incursion upon the world, 5, ceremony, 18, 159 sq., 163, 163 1., 17-19, 28; 37, 254 sq. ; the Mâzî. 168–70, 172 ; seize upon the heinous nikán d. (Mâzainya daeva), 5, 18; sinners, 18, 219, 219 n.; cause 18, 105, 105 n. ; 37, 221, 221 n.; heinous sin, 18, 220 sq.; exorcism
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