Aditi,' 32, 243; brings horses, 32, Dâzgarâspa, n.p., 23, 209. 329; Dyu, the bull of the D., 32, Dead, the, see Ancestor worship: 343, 346; the dew-lighted Ds. come dead matter, see Death (c). striving together, 32, 348, 351; Death. Savitri flasheth forth after the D., (a) D. personified, a deity. 41, 273 ; Agni and the Ds., 41, 280; O D. in religious belief and philosophy. 46, 108, 145, 194, 240, 275, 336, © D. in religious ceremonies. 363; has ruddy cows, 41, 334; is (a) D. PERSONIFIED, A DEITY. night, heaven, day, 44, 298; Agni, D. asked to settle a difficult lawthe two Asvins, and the D., 46, question, 2, 98, 98 sq. n.; expiatory 37-9; the sun, the lover of the D., formula addressed to D., 2, 293 ; 46, 67 sq.; 'the reddish white one,' 44, 337 n.; the power of D. brought 46, 142, 145; the red Ds.invoked for in by heresy, 4, 194; the deceiving, food, 46, 143; the two Ds. invoked unseen D., 4, 224; exorcism against in Aprî hymns, 46, 179 sq., 236 sq., D. and sickness, 4, 228 sq.; Ast(o)239; the shine of the goddess D. v dâd, demon of D., 5, 19 n.; rose up, 46, 309; the mother of the 37, 193; Krishna is D. who seizes cows, 46, 309, 314; the mother of all, 8, 90, 95 sq.; his form cannot the seven Rishis, 46, 314, 318, 322; be perceived, 8, 153; different from red cows or Ds., 46, 326, 329 sq.; Yama, 8, 153, 153 n. ; the king of approaches like a milch-cow, 46, D., 10 (i), 17; (ii), 208; Age and 363; Night and D., see Night. See D. drive the life of men, 10 (i), also Sacred times, Sûryâ, and 37; does not see him who despises Ushas.
the world, 10 (i), 47; the messengers Dawrầma-shi, TP., 23, 217.
of D. have come near to thee, 10 (i), Day: seven days of the week, 7, 60; the means of deliverance from xxix, 242; D. (personified) wedded the snares of D., 10 (ii), 27; be fools to Indra, 42, 337; invoked for pro- the indolent, 10 (ii), 55; the strong tection, 29, 348; a sacrifice to D. net of deceitful D., 10 (ii), 59; after having seen an evil cream, 30, Agni as D., 12, 324 ; 38, 267; 43, 184; the d. after the d. is the whole 365; the Sun (the man in the sun) year, 44, 155 ;-a d. and night of is D., 12, 343 sq.; 38, 267; 43, Brahman, 8, 79 sq.; d. and night 366 sq., 371 sq., 374 ; 44, 26; 48, are a pair, 8, 277; d. is threefold, 672 ; self-sacrifice offered to D. as and night is threefold, 8, 330; d. a penance, 14, 106; Brahman made was first, and then night, 8, 352; the created beings over to D., all ends with the setting of the sun, except the Brahmakârin, 14, 156; night with the sun's rising, 8, 354 ; one quarter of the Vedic student Day(s) and Night(s), goddesses, 41, belongs to D., 14, 157; Rudra and 243; 42, 161; 44, 141, 296, 298; D. invoked, 14, 264; Nakiketas in the sun is encompassed by d. and the house of D. (Mrityu, Yama), night, 41, 271; d. and night nourish 15, xxii, 2-24; 48, 361; runs away Agni, 41, 271, 273; universe encom- from terror of Brahman, 15, 21, 59; passed by d. and night, 41, 287 ; everything produced from D. or days and nights are endless, 41, Hunger, 15, 75; 43, 402-4; is the 352; d. and night the rulers of devatâ of the person in the shadow, Arya and Sûdra, 43, 75; the 15, 144; a robber with drawn sword, separating metre is the d., 43, 89; follows us all, 19, 128 sq. ; why D. days and nights are Pragâpati's bas power over Brâhmanas, 25, 169 joints, 43, 281; how d. and night sq.; man is born as a debt owing were created, 44, 14; d. a form of to D., 26, 152 ; homage to D., 42, priestly dignity, night a form of 53, 56, 570; the lord of cattle, 42, nobility, 44, 286; d. and night are 58; the powerful king, 42, 111, 380; the two tawny ones, 44, 316. See D. and Sleep, 42, 167; as a teacher, also Sacred times, and Time.
42, 216; Pragâpati identified with Dâzgara-gau, n.p., 23, 219.
D., 43, xxiii, 356-8; confounded by
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