Pragâpati and the vital airs produce prototypes, 5, xxiii, 5, 5 n., 156; of the universe by praises and sacri- demons, 5, 6, 9 sg.; Pahlavi and fices, 43, 71-6; mind as the ultimate Avesta words meaning to create,' cause of the universe, 43, 374-80; 5, 9 n.; of the archangels, 5, 9 sq.; Pragâpati created the three worlds, order of c., 5, 10; of seas and the three lights, and the three rivers, 5, 28 sq. ; of mountains, 5, Vedas, 44, 102 sq.; observance of 29 sq.; of plants, 5, 30 sq.; of Pravargya is the same as c., 44, animals, 5, 31 sq. ; 37, 150; of man, 458, 458 n., 468, 472, 478, 493, 504, 5, 52-4; 18, 25 sq., 88, 197-9, 510; refutation of the different 224 sq. ; 24, 117 sq. ; completed in views of c., 45, 244 sq.; all texts 365 days, 5, 91; of Time, 5, 160 ; referring to c. teach that the each of the archangels has produced Supreme Lord is the cause of c., his own c., 5, 373; the purpose of 48, 206; c. by Brahinan entering into C., 18, 15-19, 25 sq. ; 24, 181 sq.; all non-intelligent beings with the 37, 443; c. and resurrection, 18, 82, living soul, 48, 217 sq., 226; effected 82 n.; 37, 431; the sky and the by Brahmâ and other divine beings creatures provided in it by in each Kalpa, 48, 238; four classes Allharmazd, 18, 86-93; Ahuraof creatures evolved according to Mazda assisted by the Fravashis in their Karman, 48, 328; Pragâpati the work of c., 23, 187; Gâhambârs evolved names and forms by means celebrated in commemoration of the of the Veda, 48, 332 ; c. and pralaya, c., 24, 27 n.; due to the innate 48, 333 sq., 368, 603; the Lord of wisdomn of Allharmazd, 24, 98 sq., Maya creates all this, 48, 368 ; what 99 n.; proofs of the existence of was the wood, what was the tree a creator derived from the evident from which they shaped heaven and design in the c., 24, 139-51, 164-7; earth? 48, 401, 475; Brahman in criticism of the Old Testament all Kalpas again and again creates account of c., 24, 208 sq., 212-17; the same world, 48, 405; by Nârâ- Mânîchaean account of c. criticized, yana, 48, 472, 522; God is the 24, 243 sq.; that which exists, that operative cause in c., Karman the which is in the course of emerging material cause, 48, 478 sq.; the flow into existence, and that which shall of c. goes on froin all eternity, 48, be, 31, 262; Ahura and one of the 479; results from connexion of Ameshộspentas created all things, Prakriti and soul, 48, 490, 492, the 31, 298, 298 1.; the ancient instituPrânas created, 48, 568-70 ; oneness tions created before the sky, the of all previous to c., 48, 572; the water, &c., 31, 346 ; account of it differentiation of names and forms in the Dâmdâd Nask, 37, 13 sq., belongs, not to Hiranyagarbha (i.e. 14 n.; of corn, 37, 102 sq. ; of man Brahma), but to Brahman, 48, 578- and cattle, 37, 238 sq.; for the 83; creative fervour, see Tapas. benefit of the creatures, 37, 296; (6) IN ZOROASTRIANISM.
Ahunavair prayer the first of c., 37, Accounts of c. in Avesta and 303 sq., 303 n.; goodness of the c. Pentateuch, 4, lviii; of Allharmazd by Allharmazd, 37, 420 sq.; the and counter-c. and attacks of the best c., see under Highest Good. Evil Spirit, 4, Ixx, 1-10; 5, 5 sq., (c) IN ISLÂM. 9-14, 17-20, 33, 52, 54 sq., 65 sq., God created men and the world, 71-4, 105 sq., 113 59., 159 sq.; 18, 6, 3, 127 sq., 232, 245 sq., 251 sq.; 93-8; 24, 32 sq.; 31, xix, 25 sq., 30, of man from clay, Adam and Eve, 292 sq.; the Good Spirit, and the 6, 4 sq., 138 sq., 161, 246 sq., 251; Amesha-Spentas made the c., 4, 9, 56, 65 sq., 126, 136, 158 sq., 212; by Ahura Mazda, 4, 221 ; 5, 3, 167 sq., 181 sq., 196 sq., 242 sq., 121-3, 360 ; 18, 307 sq.; 24, 117 sq. ; 248, 253 sq, 258, 264, 312, 320, 31, 285 sq. ; 37, 229-31, 248 sq., 323, 328, 332, 336; God created 270, 439 sq., 456; account of it in heavens and earth, 6, 69, 115, 144, the Bundabis, 5, xxiii, 5-114; of 242; 9, 122 sq., 125 sq., 132, 134,
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