delivered by the seven Rishis or nipples, 41, 237; a milked-out c. Angiras, 46, 309, 313, 318, 322, 326, worn out, 41, 257; the redness of 329 sq.; the secret name of the c. the c., 42, 7, 265; milked by sitting 46, 371 ; Agni has found the c., 46, person, 43, 172; woman, mare, and 397. See also Bull, Cattle, Gôs, c. bring forth within a year, 44, 12; Gôsûrvan, and Ida.
born as one yielding milk 44, 294 ; (C) MISCELLANEOUS.
have proper names, 44, 474, 474 n. C. slain or let loose at the recep- Cow-dung, see Cow (a). tion of guests, 2, 120, 120 n.; 29, Cow-pen, see Cow (a). 199 sq., 275 sq., +33 sq.; 30, 129, Craftsmen, see Labourers. 131,174; the offering of the barren Crane, see Birds (6). (anubandhyâ) c., 26,215 1., 217, 387- Craving, see Desire, and Tanhâ. 9, 391-7; 41,87; 43, 263-5; 44,402, Creation. 411; two Madhuparka c., sacrificed
(a) In Indian religions and philosophies. at a wedding, 29, 34; sacrificed at
(6) In Zoroastrianism. the Ashtaka, 29, 344; killed in (c) In Islam. honour of a deceased person, 29,
(d) In Confucianism and Taoism. 359; a sterile c. offered with the (a) IN INDIAN RELIGIONS AND dead body, 44, 205 n.; a c. wont PHILOSOPHIES. to cast her calf, victim at horse All c. springs from the Sat, 1, sacrifice, 44, 300; bovine victims, xxxi, 93; 48, 399, 453,456 sq., as the highest kind of animals repre- 472 sq., 478 ; from the egg, 1, sent all animals, 44, 332, 332 n.;- 54 sq. ; 15, 337; 44, xiv, xviii sq., purification of c. from contamina- 12–18; 48, 578-83; from the nontion, 4, 93 sq., 144; sacrifice to existent what exists was born, 1, Pushan in a fire kindled among the 93; 15, 58; 41, 143; 48, 465; C., at the ceremony of setting a bull according to the Khandogyaat liberty, 7, 261; milking the c. upanishad, 1, 93-7, 100, 100 n. ; 38, at sacrifices, 12, 183-9, 409 sq., 412, 4; the Person, by his speech, breath, 415; the Agnihotra C., 12, 353, &c., created earth (with fire), sky 353 n. ; 44, 46, 48, 181-3; Åsvayuga (with air), &c., 1, 210-12; from the sacrifice, besprinkling the C., 29, Atman, 1, 237–41; 2, 77; 34, 69; 415; ceremonies when the c. are 48, 391; use of the word tap for sick, 29, 432 sq.; prayer for the c., 'to create,' 'to brood over,' 1, 31, 283, 332, 363; sham fight for 238 n.; of the senses, &c., and their c. at the Râgasuya, 41, 98-101, presiding deities, 1, 238-40; is the 100 1.; the samrâg-c, which sup- work of Pragâpati and of the sages, plies the milk for the pravargya, 44, 2, 160; 25, lxv; by Vishnu, 7, 1, 131-4, 474, 503; tail of barren e. 3-5; 8, 354 ; Krishna created the tied to the left arm of a dead man, four castes, 8, 59; from Brahman, 44, 438 n. ;-religious merit of giving 8, 104; 15, 28 sq., 58; 34, 117; c., c. as fees for priests and teachers, 38, 183; 44, 27 sq.; 48, 473, 475, 7, 264 sq., 272; 14, 135, 137; 15, 1; 532-40, 561; by Krishna (the 41, 46, 51 sq., 60; 44, 46, 113, 115, father) and Brahman (the wonb), 503; offered as a prize for him who 8, 107; from the Brahman the best knows Brahman, 15, 121 sq.waters are produced, from the 132, 152-8; sterile c, inust be given waters the gross body, 8, 187; to the Brahmans, 42, 174-9, 656-61; transmigration begins with the c. of a c. longing for the bull presented beings, 8, 234; of the Pradhana, to an offended Brâhmana, 44, 195,- and the three worlds, by Brahman, bestial crimes with c., 2, 287 sq. ; 8, 244; from what were the movable 14, 118; the c. that are like goats, and immovable entities born ? 8, 10 (ii), 51; punishment for stealing 311; the eternal c., consisting of C., 33, 228, 362; readily take to the great self, of egoisin, of the a boar, 41, 103; most fit to yield ten senses, and the mind, and livelihood, 41, 237; have four the elements, 8, 317; the c. of S.B. IND.
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