according to c., 25, 41 sq., 65, 95, 182, 184 sq. and n., 186; Sûdras from whom a Brahmana may accept food, 25, 168; a dead Brahmana shall not be carried out by a Sûdra, 25, 187; a Brâhmana shall never beg from a Sûdra property for a sacrifice, 25, 435; different gifts at marriage to be given by the four c., 29, 39, 285; different rules for the Kûdâkarman for the three c., 29, 55; different site for building a house for the different c., 29, 212, 428; 30, 120; difference of c. with regard to salving after bath, 29, 228; sacrificial fees for the Godâna different for the three c., 29, 403; 30, 70; the sacred fire to be taken from members of the three c., 30, 15; the Rathakâra c. admitted to the Agnyâdhâna, 30, 316; Nishâda chieftains admitted to the Gavedhuka sacrifice, 30, 317; difference of c. in sacrificial details, 30, 337; Mahâvrata ceremonies for Brâhmanas, Agnikayana rites also for other c., 43, xxv sq. and n.; different size of sepulchral mound for the four c., 44, 435. (i) THE C. AND THE LAW.
Offences causing loss of c., 2, 7, 74 sq., 89, 92, 280-2; 7, 138; 14, 5, 217-19, 235; 25, 444, 482; difference of c., and law of adultery, 2, 166 sq.; 14, 112 sq., 232 sq.; 25, 316, 316 n., 319-21; 33, 179, 366 sq.; different punishments for different c., 2, 167, 238-40, 245; 7, 33 sq.; 25, 275 sq., 302-4, 382, 384, 386; 33, 203 sq., 228-31; inarriage laws (number of wives, wives of different c.) and c., 2, 196; 7, 106; 11, 175; 14, 5 sq., 92 sq., 196; 29, 277; 33, 165 sq. and n., 185; rights of children according to c. of the mothers, 2, 198-200 and n.; 25, 350 sq. and n., 356-8, 365 n., 371, 371 n.; difference of c., and law about giving evidence, 2, 246 sq.; 7, 50-2; 14, 82; 25, 264-6, 266 11., 269 sq., 272, 274; 33, 81, 81 n., 88, 91, 100, 245; difference of c. (sons of wives of different c.) and law of inheritance, 2, 308 sq.; 7, 64 sq., 70-3; 14, 89, 225 sq., 225 n.; 25, 357-9, 364,
367 m.; 33, 192, 201, 371 sq., 374-6; difference of c. with regard to a treasure found, 7, 19; offences and punishments, with regard to the relation of c., 7, 33 sq.; law of debt (interests) different for different c., 7, 42; 14, 15, 15 n.; 25, 278, 285 sq.; 33, 66, 66 n.; difference of c. and the law of ordeals, 7, 53 sq.; 33, 115, 117; the crime of homicide, and the four c., 2, 7880, 83, 284 sq.; 7, 132, 133 sq., 136, 157 sq.; 14, 107 sq., 212; 25, 448, 455 sq. and n.; difference of c., and illicit sexual intercourse, 7, 174 sq.; 14, 109 sq.; 33, 179; legal procedure to be in accordance with the sum of the science of the first two c., 14, 79, 79 n.; women become outcasts only by murder of a husband, or of a learned Brâhmana, or of a foetus, 14, 133; difference of c. in criminal law, 14, 201 sq.; even a despicable Brahmana may be a judge, but never a Sûdra, 25, 255 sq. and n.; suitors at a trial examined in the order of the c., 25, 256; 33, 290, 290 n.; peculiar laws and customs of c., 14, 96; 25, 260, 260 n., 262, 294; stolen property must be restored to men of all c., 25, 260; difference of law of theft according to c., 25, 313; law of abuse and defamation between different c., 25, 301-3; 33, 355 sq.; taxes to be levied from the four c., 25, 427 sq. and n.; difference of c. and law about slavery, 33, 137 sq. and n.; the wife of one expelled from caste may marry another man, 33, 185; law about assault, and difference of c., 33, 209-11, 357, 359; Karâlaganaka lost his caste by carrying off a Brâhman's daughter, 49 (i), 45.
View of c. in the Bhagavadgîtâ, 8, 21-5, 208-10; view of c. in Buddhism, 8, 25; Brâhmana and Svapâka alike (manifestations of Brahman), 8, 65, 65 n.; even Vaisyas and Sûdras attain the supreme goal, how much more Brahmanas and royal saints, 8, 85 sq., 85 n., 255; Buddha's definition of an outcast, illustrated by the
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