Upanayana and else in connexion Brihaspati, n. of an author of with studentship, 2, 294, 294 n. ; 25, heretical doctrines, 15, li; disre454 sq. ; 29, 65, 65 n., 190, 315 sq., gards the Karma-Kânda, 48, 409; 362 ; 30, 147, 151 sq. ; Mantras in the author of a materialistic and praise of B., 7, 266; the Hotri in atheistic Smriti, 48, 412. vokes the help of B. for his work, Brihaspati, n. of the author of a 12, 135; prayers and invocations to law-book; conversation between B., 12, 355 ; 14, 216, 318; 15, 45, Manu and B., 25, lxxix; on Manu's 53; 26, 23 sq., 59, 59 n.; 41, 383; attitude towards Niyoga, 25, xciv, 43, 291; invoked to cleanse from 339 n.; remodelled the Manu-smriti, sin, 14, 250 ; animal victim (barren 25, xcvi, cix; 33, xii, 274; mencow) for B., 26, 219 sq., 388 sq., tioned in the B.-smriti, 33, 284. 389 n. , 44, 411, 411n.; worshipped Brihaspati-smriti, on the Manuat the wedding, 29, 32, 286; 30, smriti, 25, xiv, xvi sq. ; a Vârttika 188; the animal slain for the hospi- on the Manu-smriti, 25, cviji-cx ; table reception of a priest is sacred its date, 25, cix sq. ; 33, xvi, 275 sq.; to B., 29, 88; (lord) of the Brah- its relation to the code of Manu, man, invoked for protection, 29, 33, 271-5; relation between Na280; invoked at the house-building rada-smriti and B., 33, 274 sq. rite, 29, 347; 42, 140 ; invoked for Brihatî, see Metres. success in trade, 30, 178; invoked Brihatsaman, the descendant of to protect cattle, 30, 184; 42, 143; Aigiras, 42, 171. worshipped at the Tarpana, 30,243; Brihat-Sankha-Dharmasastra, in the Brihaspatisava, or B. Soma feast, prose and verse, 25, xxi sq. 41, xxiv sq., 34 sq., 34 n.; offering Brothers, see Family. to B. at the Vâgapeya, 41, 21 sq., Bûd, n. of a demon, 47, 58. 28, 36, 38 sq.; offering to B. at the Buddha. house of the Purohita, 41, 59; (a) Names aud titles of a B. sacrifice to Mitra and B., 41, 66-8; (6) Appearance of a B. in the world.
(c) Life of Gotama B. Sakyamuni. offering to B. Vâk, 41, 70 sq. ; in
(«) Bodily and mental characteristics of voked in medical charms, 42, 29,
a B. 554 ; invoked to promote virility,
(e) Transcendent knowledge and miracu.
lous powers of a B. 42, 32; invoked for long life, 42, 47, Gotama B. as a preacher and teacher. 49; invoked against sorcerers, 42,
(g) The Dhamma or Doctrine of B.
(h) B. and his Order. 65; Brahmanaspati Gâtavedas in
(2) Deification and worship of B. voked to render the inauspicious au- () Plurality of Buddhas. spicious, 42, 110, 541; B. and Bhaga (a) NAMES AND TITLES OF A B. join (husband and wife?) together, Names or religious titles of B., 42, 135; invoked against rivals, 42, 10 (i), 49-52; (ii), X, XV n., 89; 19, 211; one of the gods worshipped at 170 sq.; 49 (i), 155 sq., 181-4; the Mitravindâ sacrifice, 44, 62-6; called Nâga or Mahânâga, 'the great his share of the Agnihotra, 44, 81; elephant,' 10 (i), 77 n.; Sugata, worshipped at the Asvamedha, 44, title of B., 10 (i), 69, 94, 94n. ; (ii), 281, 402; invited to the sacrifice X; 48, 514, 520, 531, 544 ; his title together with Agni, 46, 281.
Tathậgata, 10 (i), 94 sq. n.; (ii), Brihaspati, n. of a sage; B. and 14, 37, 39, 76-8; 11, 147 n.; 13, other sages ask Brahman about final 82 sq. n.; 19, 167, 167 D.; 49 (ii), emancipation, 8,314; Sukra and B., 133 ; Gina, name of a B., 10 (ii), X, sons of Bhrigu and Angiras, 19, 10; 127, 186; 13, 91; 19, 275; 21, 49 (i), 8; the great ascetic B., de- 8, &c.; 49 (i), 173; Sakyamuni, the luded by a woman, begot Bharad- Sakya sage, 10 (ii), x, 186; is a vâga, 19, 44 ; 49 (i), 44, 44 n.; ad- Samana, 10 (ii), xiv ; is an ascetic dressed Indra's son Gayanta, 19, 96; or Muni, 10 (ii), xiv sq., 42; ad49 (i), 93; the Moon begat Budha dressed as Sakka, 10 (ii), 58, 196, on the spouse of B., 49 (i), 45; a 202, 207 sq.; is the King of the holy sage, 49 (i), 76.
Law (dharmaragan), 10 (ii), 102;
vith Agni, 46, 281. B. and
14, 37, 39:19, 167, 167
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