name and form, 34, 232 sq.; 38, 97; there is nothing either beneficial to be done by it or non-beneficial to be avoided by it, 34, 344; is endowed with powers, omnipotent, 34, 354-6, 362; 48, 156, 215, 259, 316, 354, 413 sq., 460; is free from all difference, and twofold characteristics cannot belong to him, 38, 152-4, 156 sq.; its limiting adjuncts are presented by Nescience merely, 38, 153; is inside of the limiting adjuncts, 38, 158 sq., 178 sq.; 48, 192 sq.; is the highest of gods, 43, 59; is the firstborn from afore, 44, 459 sq.; not devoid of all difference, 48, 78-102; the True, Knowledge, the Infinite is B., 48, 79 sq., 143, 158, 159 sq., 180, 184, 210, 212, 233, 240, 254, 303, 375, 402, 404, 445, 453, 550, 611 sq., 623, 638, 652, 656; B. defined, 48, 80; what constitutes the body of the B., 48, 88, 254; Nescience contradictory to B., 48, 126; appears in manifold modes, 48, 143; is self-luminous, 48, 208, 348 sq., 393, 445; has no connexion with Prakriti, nor with Karman, 48, 240, 256, 607; why it is not subject to pleasure and pain, 48, 265 sq.; is invisible, unseizable, higher than the Imperishable, 48, 282-7; of boundless love towards his devotees, 48, 316; numberless powers, lying beyond the sphere of all ordinary thought, belong to B., and qualify it for creation, and so on, just as heat belongs to fire, 48, 474, 476; differs in nature from all other things, 48, 28, 475 sq., 584; in all meditations on B. the essential qualities of B. are to be included, 48, 637-43. See also God, Lord, and Self (d); world of the B., see Brahma-world.
Meditation on B. under symbols (pratîkopâsana), 1, 201; 48, 71820; not comprehended by symbols, 8, 367; only those who have not worshipped B. under a symbol are led to B., 34, lxxxii; 38, 402-4; B.'s name a mere outward symbol,
34, 92; two secret names of B., abam and abar, 38, 216-18; 48, 642; the Great B. is the one Akshara into which all beings pass, 43, 343 sq.; why it is called a bank, 38, 176 sq.; Bhuman, that which is much, is B., 34, 162-9; 48, 302; meditation on breath (Prâna) as B., 1, 65 sq., 213, 280 sqq.; 15, 36, 56, 64 sq., 142, 153 sq., 194 sq.; 34, 84-7, 97-106, 229-31, 272; 42, 622 sq.; 48, 246, 256, 276 sq.; B. as represented by Vâyu and Prâna, 1, 59 n.; hidden in breath, 1, 233 sq.; meditation on the absorption of the gods into breath or B., 1, 288-90; the vital airs are the effects of B., 38, 76; Indra and Prâna is B., 48, 250-4; Buddha is, esoterically, the Highest B., 21, xxvii sq.; the great chariot which is pervaded by the B., 8, 386; the city of B., the body, and in it the small lotus of the heart, and in it the small ether, 1, 125-7, 126 n.: 15, 37, 54; 34, 174 sq., 178; 38, 219; 48, 314-25, 660, 656 sq.; the city of B. called Aparâgitâ, 1, 131, 132 n.; meditation on consideration or thought as B., 1, 114; 38, 160; Earth, a form of B., 1, 65 sq.; meditation on B. as ether (Kha), 1, xxv sq., xxvi n., 46 sq., 53, 65 sq., 118, 126 n., 143, 143 n.; 34, 81-4, 110, 114, 126 sq., 144, 174-92, 232 sq.; 38, 6-8, 12, 17 sq., 248; 48, 242-6, 256, 273, 276 sq.; before ether was produced, B. existed without ether, 38, 17; ether is an effect of B., 38, 18; ether is dissolved into B., 38, 26; the person in the eye is B., 1, 67, 135; 15, 64, 335; four feet or sixteen parts of B., 1, 53 sq., 60 n., 60-4; 15, 345; 34, 90, 95; 38, 219; 48, 622 sq.; meditation on fire as B., 1, 65, 118; 15, 335: 34, 92; the Adhvaryus consider B. the self in the sacrificial fire, 1, 260; the source of fire, 38, 20-2; the highest B. in the form of intestinal heat, 48, 248; meditation on food as B., 1, 65, 117; 15, 55, 64, 194 sq.; the B. as a forest, 8, 2846, 288, 288 n., 372, 386 sq.; meditated upon as the Gayatri verse, 1, 44-6, 158, 162, 194; 34, 93-6;
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