abundance, become as much his who gave it as though they had been done by his own hand."'
In Pahl. Vend. V, 73, it is said 'like unto this earth and that (sky) which would also cover over it (ever in all places; there is some one who says this is as to dead matter, that in the Nihâdûm says it is as to decision and judgment, and that in the Hûspârâm says it is as to the ritual of the ceremonial).'
In Vig. p. 136, it is said that 'it is declared by the Avesta of the Nihâdûm thus:-"Âad yad draonô Vanantô stârô mazdadhâtô frâyazyâd, kathwârô draonô frakerententi aiwi-hvarenti, yad aêshô nâ yô yaozdâthryô:-So when he, who is that man who is a purifier, shall consecrate the sacred cake of Vanand', the star produced by Aûharmazd, they cut up and shall eat up four sacred cakes."'
In Vig. pp. 180, 181, it is said that 'in the Nihâdum it is stated:-Åad aokhta Ahurô Mazdau: "Yad aêtê yô mazdayasna aêtem srirem vastrem stehr-paêsanghem hvam tanûm bâdha paoirim vanghanemka hadha varanô paitanemka, paskaiti aiwyaunghânô ava hê maidhyânem bûgyamanô." Aêtem zi srirem vastrem mainyutâstem haka mainyavanam dâmanấm avi mê fradadhâd Ahurô Mazdau ashava. "Yatha hê varanô paitanem asti mãnayen hvare-khshaêtahê, adhâd hadha hê vastranam yaozdâthranam frâyaza vâ nizbaya vâ Ahurâi Mazdâi ameshanam spentanãm, Spitama Zarathustra !"-Thus spoke Aûharmazd: When for him, of those who are Mazda-worshippers, there is this beneficial, star-spangled (that is, wrought) garment 2, always (after seven years of age, that is,
1 The southern leader of the stars, probably Fomalhaut (see Bd. II, 7, V, 1).
The sacred shirt.
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