X. VISTÂSP-SÂSTÔ NASK!. The first half of this Nask (as described in Dk. VIII, Chap. XI, 1, 2) appears to be still extant in the Vistâsp Yast, 1-44; but the remainder of that Yast does not correspond with the description of the latter half of the Nask.
XI. VASTAG NASK? No quotation from this Nask has yet been noticed.
XII. KitradÂD NASK 8. Dk. VIII, Chap. XIII, 1o, probably refers to the passage that contained the statement thus quoted in Sls. X, 28 :-'Even so it is revealed in the Kitradâd that Spendarmad spoke to Mânûs'kthar thus: “Even the swiftest horse requires the whip, the sharpest
As half this Nask consists of the Vistâsp Yt. 1-44, which contains about 1,100 Avesta and 3,600 Pahlavi words, the contents of the whole Nask may be estimated at about 2,200 Avesta and 7,200 Pahlavi words.
* As there is no account of this Nask in Dk. VIII, we can only guess that its extent was about the average length of the other Gâthic Nasks, or about 8,900 words of Avesta text and 18,400 of Pahlavi version.
• The short account of this Nask, in Dk. VIII, contains 396 Pahlavi words, which may be guessed to represent the same proportion of Pahlavi version as in Nasks VI, VIII, the accounts of which are also short. And, as this is a Legal Nask, it may be assumed that the proportion of Avesta text to Pahlavi version would be the same as in the other Legal Nasks, which is the proportion still extant in the Nîrangistân section of Nask XVII. Based upon these assumptions, the probable extent of the Kitradâd would be about 2,600 words of Avesta text and 23,400 of Pahlavi version.
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