when through good deeds? When it was the praise even of righteousness by the first creature, (that is, they shall perform the ceremonial, and also other good works, through the Gâtha lore).
56. Aûharmazd proclaimed; for what was it proclaimed by him? For the righteous spiritual and worldly existence, (for the benefit of the spiritual and worldly existence). 57. Owing to what desire (owing to what necessity) was the said announcement proclaimed by him? (So that he shall become) the privileged developer, (he who is a resolute ruler). 58. For how many righteous (is it requisite to utter it)? (So that one may become) a developer, (even he who may be) an irresolute ruler 2, (to whom they reveal these words. So that the glory of the Kayâns, such as it is with good rulers, should be even so with evil rulers; with good rulers for this purpose, that so they shall produce more benefit; and with evil rulers for this purpose, that so they shall produce less harm) 3.
Pahl. Yas. XX = Bakŏ II.
The beginning of the second subdivision *.
1. It was a proclamation of Atharmazd, the Ashem vohû vahistem ast!'; besides perfect excellence is taught by it to him, (that is, benefit is
1 Pt4, Mf4 have frds gufto, as in Pahl. Yas. XX, 9.
* Quoted in Dk. IX, Chap. LXIX, 45.
3 §§ 56-58 are repeated at the end of Pahl. Yas. XX, with reference to the Ashem.
So in Pt4, Mf4.
This Avesta is quoted as part of the Pahlavi version, and is translated, in Pt4, Mf4, by the usual Pahlavi for 'righteousness is perfect excellence.'
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