understanding of the causes of mankind, which have made people manifest in the mother's womb, and afterwards those who come out of the womb, some of whom are apostles, some kings, and some peasants; and whatever remains therein.
15. The name of the fifteenth is Baghân-yast", and it is of seventeen subdivisions in praise of the creations of God, the praiseworthy and exalted, and the angels admitted to him; also thanksgiving for his favours, and that which he makes expedient in the religion, augments the thanksgiving for his favour, until one obtains it back in the end ; likewise the appearance of the angels, and this is noble. Praise be to the sacred being, the exalted!
16. The name of the sixteenth is Niyâram?, and that is of fifty-four subdivisions, about decrees as to riches, introducing inmates among outsiders, and whatever is made lawful by the exalted Lord; obtaining deliverance from hell, performing service, slavery, and the nature of wayfarers, and every one who performs service and produces remembrance for mankind; whatever is in the thoughts of mankind, and whatever is in the bodies of mankind.
17. The seventeenth is Aspâram, and this is of sixty-four subdivisions, which are sent down about rituals, those which are in the book of the people of the religion, and an examination of the people's expense they know of, for the safety and punishment they order in the world until they obtain deliverance in the end; and whatever they do lawfully and do unlawfully they know; also decrees
See Dk. VIII, Chap. XV. Ibid. Chaps. XXVIII-XXXVII,
Ibid. Chaps. XVI-XX.
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