worthy and exalted, sent down for prayer and virtue, authority and intercession, and giving union to
3. The name of the third is Vahist-mânthrah 1, and that is of twenty-two subdivisions, which God, the praiseworthy and exalted, sent down for faith and heedfulness in religion. One is reminded, in this book, about the intention and character of Zaratust; also the goodness of the creation, and the good actions before Zaratust; and the narrative of this book extends in this manner up to the resurrection.
4. The name of the fourth is Bagh2; this book is of twenty-one parts (pârah) or subdivisions, and its explanation is about whatever is in the religion; also a declaration of God, the praiseworthy and exalted, and of whatever the Lord has made incumbent on mankind as to devotion and heedfulness, as to justice and virtue, and as to good actions, closing the path of Satan to oneself, and approaching the last abode, that is, the other world.
5. The name of the fifth is Dvâzdah-hâmâst3, and the commentary of this book is for assistance. This book is of thirty-two subdivisions, which God, the praiseworthy and exalted, sent down in remembrance of the beginning of the creatures of the upper world and lower world. Also a description of the whole of them, and of whatever the Most Just, the praiseworthy and exalted, has made mention in the
1 See Dk. VIII, Chap. III, and IX, Chaps. XXIV-XLVI. * Ibid. Chap. IV and Chaps. XLVIILXVIII.
Ibid. Chap. V.
Written dar-imdâd; but, omitting the letter r, we should have the Dâmdâd.'
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