is disabled (akâri-hênd)" by that accumulated vexation which occurs for his annoyance.
17. This, too, that the exploits of the archangels are taught by him who is really capable in what pertains to the archangels; even for this reason, because they become the hope of a consoling (vêdvar) end, and are also indicative of the renovation of the universe, the hope of a virtuous end. 18. This, too, that the words of him who is Zaratūst, that people shall become supplicant,' are taught by him who is for the benefiters; even for this reason, because they who are benefiters, on account of an inclination for the religion, make others eager for the religion, and make them mount for prayer. 19. And this, too, that by him who gives anything to a righteous man, this is also done that some one else may give even to him who is vile; even for this reason, because a foundation of liberality is thereby prepared for him ?
20. Perfect righteousness is excellence.
Bakở Nask. 1. The fourteenth fargard, Ad-fravakhshyâ », is that whatever is instruction is to be listened to + here as much as is possible, and he who is not to be
1 The Paz, equivalent of a kârîh-hô mand.
? Implying that he is himself vile who gives to the righteous merely to induce others to give to himself.
3 See Chap. XV, in; it is here written ad-fravakhshe in Pahlavi.
+ See Pahl. Yas. XLIV, 1 a.
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