by lawful gratifiers becomes appropriated. 6. This, too, that the wisdom of Vohuman1 is advanced by him who utters a discourse through Vohûman; for this reason, because the wisdom of Vohuman and its advancement are mostly through discourse. 7. This, too, that the plentifulness and satisfaction of cattle 1 are taught by him who properly maintains the cattle which are in his possession; even for this reason, owing to the multitudes thus belonging to him who properly maintains the cattle which are in his possession, he gains his profit and pleasure therefrom, and others, who see that gain, are instructed, even as much as he, about the proper maintenance of cattle for their own profit and pleasure.
8. This, too, that benefit being given for the benefit of the worthy man is taught by him who keeps the benefit that is his as the property of the sacred beings; even for this reason, because he gives the benefit that is his unto the worthy man for the purpose of keeping it for the advantage of the sacred beings, and others are instructed about it. 9. This, too, that prosperity being given, in both existences, to him who is generous and worthy is taught by him who gives benefit to a worthy man possessing body and life; even for this reason, because a worldly existence and a spiritual one are both his, also his worldly existence is in this existence, and the spiritual one in that existence wherefrom satisfaction for the giving of benefit arrives. 10. This, too, that by him who shall cause reverence* of the good, even this is taught, that the sacred
See Pahl. Yas. XXVIII, 1 c, where Pt4 and Mf4 have Vohuman instead of valman.
2 Ibid. 2 b.
3 Ibid. 2 c.
Ibid. 4 b.
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