kind can appropriate by diligence is appropriated by it. 3. And this, too, that advancement is given by it to every good work1.
4. He who is understanding good works, and yet a suppliant, has thereby made the learned foolish (âzân akhanidinido); whoever possesses authority through virtuousness is more particularly for rewarding the doers of good works; whoever, too, can make true decision and adjudication is more particularly for causing the bridge judgment of a criminal, and for thrusting him aside owing to the exhaustion of his good works; and whoever, too, can exercise mediation and wisdom is more particularly for the good government of the world. 5. Of righteousness the excellence is perfect.
Bako Nask.
1. The third fargard is the Yênhê-hâtam*: there is here taught by it the worship of Aûharmazd, which is the law of Aûharmazd, that is, its law is virtuous". 2. This, too, that the worship of Aûharmazd is occasioned by it, which is the asking for life for beings by mankind'. 3. And this, too, that the ritual of the males and females of the righteous occurs through it, which is the obeisance for the archangels. 4. And the atone
Ibid. 4.
Ibid. 5.
1 See Pahl. Yas. XX, 3.
See Chap. IV, I n; it is here written Yânhê-hâtâm in Pahlavi. This fargard is still extant in Yas. XXI.
Ibid. 2, 3.
5 See Pahl. Yas. XXI, 1.
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