art aware of the deeds, O Zaratust! which were practised by those in the bodily existence, and which still they practise, and the sacred beings have placed upon mankind acquiring the power of good works.' 3. And about the wonderfulness of the supreme heaven there is this, too, that whoever is in that abode is not any one that passes away after his birth ; at the time of the renovation of the universe the supreme heaven is lowered down to the star station, the earth being up to there, and Vohûman ? is summoned for every purpose to the conference, and, when they call him, Mitro's: investigation as regards the existence of righteousness is on the spot; through the coming of that archangel of true statements for assistance, and through the co-operation of the other archangels and Srôsh? the righteous, is the overpowering of the vexing of distressers 6 ; and the assistance of the archangels for Zaratûst was when he went forth for disabling the vicious law of Irân. 4. Concerning Zaratûst there is this, too, in the words of Adharmazd, that is: 'Thou art our own, O Zaratust! and this liberality to thee is ours; anything one gives to thee is given by him to us;' also the announcement to Zaratust, and the bringing of him to Vistasp for his assistance and likewise the strength of his sovereignty for him.
1 The lowest grade of heaven (see Sls. VI, 3 n). * See Bk. VIII, Chap. IX, 3 for both angels. * See Bk. VIII, Chap. XLIV, 16. + Vohuman.
See Pahl. Yas. XXVIII, 6 c. o See Bk. VIII, Chap. XI, 1; and compare Pahl. Yas. XXVIII, 6 b, 7 b, c.
So in K, but B has also his announcement on being brought to Vistâsp, and Zaratůst was an assistance to him and the strength, &c.'
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