wise about the worldly display of the religion to Zaratust by Aûharmazd, the accepting of the religion by Zaratust through recitation and faith, and the reverence of the Ahunavair1 by Zaratust.
19. Also about Aûharmazd having created the creatures in the spiritual existence, and their allotment out to the worldly existence, the superiority of the righteous man as compared with other creatures, and, among mankind, of him who is relying on the provisions of the law and its unchangeableness from goodness, and who is a teacher and provider of teaching as to the pre-eminent existence of the good religion of the sacred beings.
20. And a summary about the bringing together of that fire which is the residue of a fire in a house, for the reverence of that water which is nearest to the dwelling, and of any spirit of a kinsman; and as to him who leaves that fire, water, and spirit, and, on account of a similar desire, reverences another fire, water, and spirit, but none of them can accept that ceremonial, and the acceptance of that man's ceremonial by the others will have occurred just when the former three are reverenced by him. 21. Righteousness is perfect excellence.
CHAPTER XXV. Varstmânsar Nask.
1. The second fargard, Yathâ-ahu-vairyô2, is about the worthiness, as to worldly and spiritual virtue, in a ruler and in the production of a high
1 See Bk. VIII, Chap. I, 7.
The Ahunavair (see Bk. VIII, Chap. I, 7) upon which this fargard is a commentary quoting some text on the subject in § 2.
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