increased among the creatures, and every creature of the beneficent sacred being is pleased and talked of virtuous conduct. 15. And Allharmazd took away Zaratust with joyfulness to provide security for him, and Arekdviksûr, Aharisvang, and the primitive and Kayân glory in the body of Zaratūst spoke to Zaratûst of its production by Adharmazd thus : 'Thou shouldst think of him who is wise. 12. Thereupon Zaratūst spoke spiritually, in reply, thus: 'I am a Mazda-worshipper, I profess the Mazda-worship of Zaratûst?; and this means that I am an apostle of Adharmazd, and am sent by Adharmazd.' · 13. And Adharmazd spoke to Zaratast thus: 'As to the sacred beings of the worldly existence, do thou beg companionship from them ; but as to the demons, do thou long for (dôsh) 2 separation from every one of them ; practise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, and abstain from evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds.' 14. Also about vigilantly reverencing the sacred beings, and the reward thereof; not strengthening the vile, nor weakening 3 the good ; expounding for the disturber of religion (dênô-padrêsh), and producing liberality for the accepters of religion; and not turning away from the religion on account of fondness for body and life.
15. The accepting of such advice spiritually by Zaratûst, and his glorifying Atharmazd, for crea
1 This is the Pahlavi version of part of Yas. XII, 7, 8 (XIII, 25 Sp.) without the glosses. ?B has 'hope for' (nyôsh).
Assuming that nizorinidano (K) stands for nizârînîdano; B has zôrînîdano, which is synonymous with the previous nîra. kînidano, strengthening.'
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