offer is an impropriety (adinâth) for that which is an uncorrupted place. 4. This, too, is declared, that a greedy man whose belly is filled by accumulation-and the end of every sin is, to him, only for the gratification of the body-one considers just like a gallows to which there is a foundation (sipo) of every impurity. 5. This, too, that a bird (vâê) practises that habit (sân) even that it kills those outright which have become large in our midst, which are the serpents produced by the demons. 6. This, too, that for invocation (azbâyisno) of the sacred beings thinking with speaking, speaking with acting, and acting without deceitfulness are effectual.
7. About the pure goodness of the archangels, and the union of their thoughts, words, and deeds together; their bountifulness, nurturing, and protection are the cause' of the prosperity of the world. 8. About the production of Zaratûst by Aûharmazd with a goodness like his own. 9. This, too, that whoever gives anything to the disciples of Zaratust, his reward and recompense are just as though the thing had been given by him to Zaratust2.
10. It is perfect excellence that is righteousness.
CHAPTER XIV. Súdkar Nask.
1. The thirteenth fargard, Tad-thwâ-peresâ3,
1 B omits sân,' the cause of.'
* Compare: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.' (Matthew XXV. 40.)
The first three words of the second hâ of the second Gâtha (Yas. XLIV, 1), here written tad-spâ-pêres in Pahlavi.
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