the exhibition to Zaratūst of the nature of the four periods in the millennium of Zaratast 2. First, the golden, that in which Adharmazd displayed the religion to Zaratust. 3. Second, the silver, that in which Vistâsp received the religion from Zaratûst. 4. Third, the steel, the period within which the organizer.of righteousness, Atūrpád son of Maraspend, was born. 5. Fourth, the period mingled with iron is this, in which is much propagation of the authority of the apostate and other villains, as regards the destruction of the reign of religion, the weakening of every kind of goodness and virtue, and the disappearance of honour and wisdom from the countries of Irân. 6. In the same period is an account of the many perplexities and torments (zakhami-hastano) of the period for that desire of the life of the good which subsists in seemliness.
7. Perfect righteousness is excellence.
Sadkar Nask. 1. The eighth fargard, Hvaêtumaiti“, is about the abstinence of mankind, for special propitiation, from being unreliant upon religion, on account of reverence for the evil spirits; that from the habit of
1 Compare Yas. XXXI, 14; Byt. I, 1-5. . See Bk. VIII, Chap. XI, 1-3.
See Bk. VIII, Chap. I, 22. • The appellation of the fifth hå of the first Gâtha (Yas. XXXII) which begins with the words a huyâ kâ hvaêtus; it is here written khvatamaîtò in Pahlavi in both MSS.
s Compare Yas. XXXII, 3.
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