19. About him whose supplies some one is silently (agôpo) buying up, and the seller and important holder is quite bereaved, so that the bereaver has plenty for one deprived of food on a summer's day, and plenty for him who is so also on a winter's day (dim-ikik); also the supplying of mankind and fire lawfully, in the beginning, for a summer's day and night, and that for a winter's one? 20. About clothing when it is that which one strips off for donation. 21. About the penalty for a first deprival of food, and the sin of it; also the penalty of the second and third, up to the tenth.
22. About a plaint and defence as regards a debt and its interest, and the decision thereon; also how it is when, for keeping up the repayment, debts upon debts are cancelled so far as the continuance of interest; and whatever is on the same subject. 23. About the uselessness of supplies which are not authorised by the religion. 24. About buying a slaughtered a sheep when the seller is bereaved by the delivery; also to how many sheep, in the two previous years, the increase and increase of increases thereof had specially to attain. 25. About where and what is that which would not conduce to increase, and what is that which would. 26. About the special sin and offence, the use of the milk, heart, and wool, the spreading about which tends to dissatisfaction, the increase of increases, and the good
* See Farh. Oim, p. 38, 11. 4-8, and compare Chap. XXXVIII, 13.
• Reading bará-zegtalɑnt ako, which word has been corrupted by the repairer of the MS.
* Reading dîl, but the word can also be read sar, 'head.'
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