with an evil eye, or menstruous, are thereby harmful. 23. About what is the kind of watching for the admitters of fear; the fearful and whatever is on the same subject. 24. And that in case of descending from a house on the outside.
25. About lawful arrangements for supplies, in union and assistance one towards the other; about payment for the labour in the lawful arrangement; and whatever is on the same subject. 26. About the produce of property for the multitude, and that also for one's own association; that is, how it is when taking it authorisedly, and how it is when not doing so; and whatever is on the same subject.
27. The special generosity of judges in conveying property back to its owners; the advantage from just judges, and the harm from unjust sentencing and false decisions. 28. So, also, the advantage from truly demanding, truly answering, and assisting the just; the enmity and harm from falsely demanding, falsely investigating, and assisting a false demander and false investigation; but not the enmity and secret harm of a complaint of the wretched. 29. Advice to judges about just decision and abstinence from false decision; and, secondly, the reward of their just decision, and the awful bridge judgment of false decision; the accountability in the spiritual existence in the case of judges, the praise of truth and contempt of falsity, the gratification of the sacred beings and vexation of the demons from just judgment and turning away from false decision, and whatever is on the same subject.
30. About what place the appointment by Aûharmazd in the original creation brought the corn to 1,
1 According to Bd. X, 1, XIV, 1, XXVII, 2, fifty-five species of
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