11. About forming a family (gô harik kardano) with foreigners, that is, how it is when allowable. 12. About a sheep of good breed for the three nights?, and its slaughter after the three nights ; likewise many other decisions as regards superiority and sheep of a good breed.
Húspâram Nask. 1. A miscellaneous section is about taking anything which is not one's own at the time when he does not think that they see him and they do see him, at the time when he thinks that they see him and they do not see him, and at the time when he thinks that they see him and they do see him. 2. About giving righteous instruction, that is, what happens, and how, at the time when the follower 2 asks again. 3. About the sin of imprisoning the needy, exalting falsehood, and approving deceit.
4. About the action and command which diminish, or alter, a liberal gift to any one. 5. About the limit of the open-handedness of a wife who should be privileged, and who is reverent towards her husband, out of anything that has not reached the husband ; how it is when the husband is foolish, how it is when it is legally, how when derived from what is legally property, and how about that which is unspent savings (anyûrûzd kabun); also the limit of the reverence of a wife for a husband, and whatever is on the same subject.
1 The three nights after a death; the sheep is to be slaughtered on the fourth day, including the day of death (see Sls. XVII, 2-5). · See Chap. XXII, 6 n.
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