wisdom, strength, or semen, milk, or pregnancy; or when one destroys the spleen (spur) or milk of females, or, in revenge (gifar), kills his son outright; or when they would inflict a wound upon a wound, and one's blood goes streaming forth.
5. Also about an assault with one, two, or three weapons, or more, in conjunction; or they may commit it on the spot, or in confederacy, or as a first offence! 6. About the measure of a wound when a two-edged sword (dôbarako) plunges down, the area (saràl), walls, and surroundings, and the shape which is plunged; that which is hacked, or cleft, or mutilated, or a torrent of blood streaming; the affliction (vamang) of the furious serpent-scourge (mârvano), and the length, glitter, and weight of the weapon.
7. The ritual for the departure of a wound and the departure of pain, watching over it for the duration of three nights or a year, its greater wretchedness or less wretchedness, its cure (spôrikih) or incurableness, and whatever is on the same subject. 8. Trivial enumerations, and decisions upon each separately.
Níkádům Nask. 1. The fourth section, which is also called the law of the Hamêmâlistân (accuser's code'), contains particulars about accusation, and about the false
1 These three modes are expressed by Pâz, ithrih, hidhih, and a pavara varstih, which stand evidently for the original Avesta words ithra, hadha, and a paurvavarsta (see Chap. XXI, 6).
. See § 2.
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