9. A report of Frédun, the ruler of Khvantras; as to the smiting of Dahák, the conquering of the country of Mâzendarân', and the allotment of Khvaniras among his three sons, Salm, Tag, and Alrik 2 ; their union with the daughters of Pât-srôbôs, king of the Arabs and descendant of Tâz, and the lineage and report of them, each separately. 10. The reign of Måndskihar of Irân, descendant (napo) of Airik. 11. The expiating + monarch Fråsiyâv of Türån, and Adzôbo о the Tamâspian, monarch of Iran.
12. The descendant of Mângskihar, Kavf-Kavad, who was progenitor of the Kayans and ruler of Irân; and the expiating ruler Keresasp. 13. KålUs, grandson? of Kavåd, ruler and maintainer of royalty (kal-dano) in the seven regions. 14. KaiKhusrôi who was son of Siyâvakhsh and ruler of
The land on the southern coast of the Caspian belonging to the Mazainya daèva (demons, or idolators) of the Avesta.
? The last of whom was slain by his brothers, and was avenged by his descendant Manûskîhar (see Bd. XXXI, 9-12).
* Possibly the celebrated individual of that name who is mentioned, in Pahl. Vend. XX, 4, as an instance of opulence. The Shahnâmah speaks only of the three daughters of the king of Yaman.
• Or plundering;' but Tag-hômônd here, and Tügavand in $ 12, may perhaps mean 'descended from Tag,' as Frasiyav was the sixth in descent from Tag (see Bd. XXXI, 14).
o Said to have been a great-grandson of Mânûskihar (see Bd. XXXI, 23).
. Probably the hero who was sixth in descent from Tag, and third cousin of Frâsîydv (see Bk. IX, Chap. XV; Bd. XXXI, 14, 26, 27); though placed by Firdaust as a king Garshâsp preceding Kai-Qubad.
? As appears from Bd. XXXI, 25. • The son of Kaf-Us, who did not become king.
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