VI, 12.
evil in those who desire to be pure. Like the fire is it, О king, to burn out the lust of all evil in those who desire to be pure [354] Like the wind is it, O king, to carry away the dust of all evil in those de siring to be pure. Like medicine is it, О king, to allay the disease of evil in those desiring to be pure. Like ambrosia is it, О king, to act as an antidote to the poison of evil in those desiring to be pure. Like arable land is it, О king, on which to grow the crop of all the virtues of renunciation to those desiring to be pure. Like a wishing-gem is it, О king, for conferring all the high attainments they long and crave for upon those who desire to be pure. Like a boat is it, ( king, for carrying to the further shore of the mighty ocean of transmigration all those who . desire to be pure. Like a place of refuge is it, O king, where those who desire to be pure can be safe from the fear of old age and death. Like a mother is it, О king, to comfort those who desire to be pure when afflicted with the sorrows of sin. Like a father is it, О king, to raise up in those who desire to be pure and to increase in goodness all the good qualities of those who have renounced the world. Like a friend is it, o king, in not disappointing those who desire to be pure in their search after the good qualities of those who have renounced the world. Like a lotus flower, O king, is it, in not being tarnished by the stain of evil. Like costly perfume (of saffron and of jasmine and the Turkish incense and the Greek) 2
Manoharo. Childers does not give this meaning to the word, but it is confirmed by the passages above and below, pp. 118, 358 of the Påli, and by the Simhalese.
? Katu-gatiya-gandho. The two last are Yavana and Tarukkha. Böhtlingk-Roth explain both as Olibanum. Our
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