V, 25.
church of the Conqueror, stringing those flowers together,—both following the path of our teachers of old, and also using such power of wisdom as in me is,-could show forth by inference the power of the Buddha in innumerable similes. But you, on the other hand, must show a desire to hear them?'
'Hard would it be, Nâgasena, for any other men thus to have shown by inference, drawn from such examples, the power of the Buddha. I am filled with satisfaction, venerable Nâgasena, at your so perfectly varied exposition of this problem.'
Here ends the problem of Inference ?
I The Simhalese is here much expanded.
? Mr. Trenckner reads "Anumâna patham,' the Simhalese has. Mahâ Anumâna Prasnayayi.'
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