V, 22.
(6) "The meditative, delighting in Ghana, heroes of tranquil minds, and stedfast, looking forward to Nirvana-these are they who dwell in the City of Righteousness.
(7) "Men walking in the path, and standing in the fruits thereof, those who have attained some fruits thereof but are yet learners as to the last, whose hope is directed to the utmost goal-these are they who dwell in the City of Righteousness.
(8) "Those who have entered the stream, and those who, free from stains, will only be reborn once more on earth, those who will never return again, and Arahats-these are they who dwell in the City of Righteousness.
(9) "Those skilled in the means of attaining undisturbed self-possession, and rejoicing in contemplation on the sevenfold wisdom, those who are full of insight, and bear the words of the Dharma in their hearts-these are they who dwell in the City of Righteousness.
[343] (10) "Those skilled in the Steps to Iddhi, and rejoicing in the meditations of Samâdhi, those who are devoted to the Great Struggle-these are they who dwell in the City of Righteousness.
(11) "Those perfect in the sixfold wisdom of the Abhiññas, delighting in the sphere that is theirs by rightful inheritance', those having the power of flying through the air-these are they who dwell in the City of Righteousness.
(12) "Those of downcast eyes, and measured speech, the doors of whose senses are guarded, who
1 Pettike gokare ratâ. That is in the four Sati-patthânas. See the passage quoted below at VII, 1, 7, p. 368 of the Pâli.
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