5. Confucius and Lão Tan ;-on the Perfect Tào.
6. Tung-kwo Zze's question to Kwang-zze about where the Tâo was to be found, and the reply.
7. A-ho Kan, Shăn Năng, Lào-lung Ki, Yen Kang;Grand Purity, Infinitude, Do-nothing, and No-beginning : --on what the Tâo is.
8. Star-light and Non-entity. 9. The Minister of War and his forger of swords.
10. Zăn Khill and Confucius ;-how it was before heaven and earth.
11. Confucius and Yen Hui:- No demonstration to welcome, no movement to meet.
BOOK XXIII. Par. 1. Kăng-sang Kha and the people about Wei-lêi hill.
2. Kăng-sang Kha and his disciples. He repudiates being likened by them to Yao and Shun.
3. Kăng-sang Khû and the disciple Nan-yung Khu.
4-12. Lâo-zze lessoning Nan-yung Khû on the principles of Taoism.
BOOK XXIV. Pars. 1, 2. Hsü Wû-kwei, Nü Shang, and the marquis Wa of Wei:-Hsu's discourses to the marquis.
3. Hwang-Tî, with six attending sages, in quest of the Tâo, meets with a wise boy herding horses.
5. Debate between Kwang-zze and Hui-zze, illustrating the sophistry of the latter.
6. The artisan Shih cleans the nose of a statue with the wind of his axe; but declines to try his ability on a living subject.
7. Advice of Kwan Kung on his death-bed to duke Hwan of Khî about his choice of a successor to himself.
8. The king of Wa and the crafty monkey. His lesson from its death to Yen Pû-î.
9. Nan-po 3ze-khi and his attendant Yen Khăng-gze.
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