and when they came to their lodging-house, he brought in water for the master to wash his hands and rinse his mouth, along with a towel and comb. He then took off his shoes outside the door, went forward on his knees, and said, 'Formerly, your disciple wished to ask you, Master, (the reason of what you said); but you were walking, and there was no opportunity, and therefore I did not presume to speak. Now there is an opportunity, and I beg to ask why you spoke as you did.' Lâo-zze replied, 'Your eyes are lofty, and you stare;-who would live with you? The purest carries himself as if he were soiled; the most virtuous seems to feel himself defective.' Yang 3ze-kü looked abashed and changed countenance, saying, 'I receive your commands with
When he first went to the lodging-house, the people of it met him and went before him. The master of it carried his mat for him, and the mistress brought the towel and comb. The lodgers left their mats, and the cook his fire-place (as he passed them). When he went away, the others in the house would have striven with him about (the places for) their
mats 1.
1 So had his arrogant superciliousness given place to humility.
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