determine in any case correctly that individuality ? Moreover you dream that you are a bird, and seem to be soaring to the sky; or that you are a fish, and seem to be diving in the deep. But you do not know whether we that are now speaking are awake or in a dream? It is not the meeting with what is pleasurable that produces the smile; it is not the smile suddenly produced that produces the arrangement (of the person). When one rests in what has been arranged, and puts away all thought of the transformation, he is in unity with the mysterious Heaven.
13. I-- Zze2 having gone to see Hsü Yû, the latter said to him, 'What benefit have you received from Yão?' The reply was, “Yâo says to me, You must yourself labour at benevolence and righteousness, and be able to tell clearly which is right and which wrong (in conflicting statements).' Hsü Yû rejoined, 'Why then have you come to me? Since Yão has put on you the brand of his benevolence and righteousness, and cut off your nose with his right and wrong 3, how will you be able to wander in the way of aimless enjoyment, of unregulated contemplation, and the ever-changing forms (of dispute) ?' -r Zze said, “That may be; but I should
1 This also is obscure; but Confucius is again made to praise the Tâoistic system.
2 Î-r is said by Lî Î to have been a worthy scholar ;' but I-r is an old name for the swallow, and there is a legend of a being of this name appearing to king Mů, and then flying away as a swallow;—see the Khang-hsî Thesaurus under TT. The personage is entirely fabulous.
3 Dismembered or disfigured you.
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