IV, 8, 19.
ledge', in the fourteenfold knowledge of Buddha”, in the eighteen characteristics of a Buddha3-in a word, in all the qualities of a Buddha. For all the Buddhas are exactly alike in all the Buddhaqualities.'
'But if, Nagasena, that be so, what is the reason that it was only the Gotama Bodisat who carried out the penance?'
'Gotama the Bodisat had gone forth from the world, O king, when his knowledge was immature, and his wisdom was immature. And it was when he was bringing that immature knowledge to maturity that he carried out the penance.'
19. Why then, Nagasena, was it that he thus went forth with knowledge and with wisdom immatured? Why did he not first mature his knowledge, and then, with his knowledge matured, renounce the world?'
When the Bodisat, o king, saw the women of his harem all in disorder, then did he become dis
5. Vipâka-vemattat& ... Indriya-parâpara .... (7) 6. Samkilesa-vodåna-vatthu . Sarvatra-gâmini-pratipad.. (2) 7. Indriya-paropariya... Samkilesa-vyavadana-vyutthâna (6) 8. Pubbe-nivâsânussate .. Purva-nivasânusmriti . . .
9. Dibba-kakkhu . . . . Kyut-utpatti . . . . . . 10. Asava-kkhaya . . . . . Âsrava-kshaya..... 10)
Some of these terms are found in the Dharma-sangraha, Anecdota Oxoniensia, vol. i, part 5, pp. 16, 51.
* Kha-asadhârana-rana, not yet found elsewhere. · Possibly the above ten with four others.
* The details of these eighteen are given by Spence Hardy in the 'Manual of Buddhism,' p. 381, but he does not mention his authority. Hînati-kumburé (p. 422) merely repeats the Pali.
• Of the four Truths' is Hînati-kumbure's gloss.
6 See Gataka I, 61. But the whole episode is told in the Pitakas, not of the Bodisat, but of Yasa (Mahâvagga I, 7).
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