Vedanta-sätras quote opinions of Veins, a hundred and one v. of the various teachers, i, p. xix.
heart, the hundred and first - conspectus of their contents, i, passing through the skull, ii,
PP. xxxi-.xxxv. - are throughout Mîmâmså, i, p. xlv. - connexion between the v. and - claim to be systematisations of the rays, ii, 378, 379. the Upanishads, i, p. cii.
the junction of the v. and rays is - bave merely the purpose of the way of the departing soul,
stringing together the flowers ii, 382.
of the Vedanta-passages, i, 17. Vedanta-texts, Brahman the uni- Vidura, though born from a Sudra
form topic of all, i, p. xxxii, 12- mother, possessed eminent 47.
knowledge, i, 224, 228. - why they are to be studied, i, 9. Vidyâ, unity of the, i, 152. - they all teach that the cause of the - see also Knowledge, and Medi
world is the intelligent Brah- tation. man, i, 60 seq.
Vidyâs. See Cognitions, and Medihave a twofold purport; some of tations.
them aim at setting forth the Vigara, having reached the river V., nature of the highest Self, some the soul divests itself of the at teaching the unity of the in
subtle body, i, p. Ixxxi n. dividual soul with the highest Virâg, the atman purushavidha Self, i, 198.
identified with the V. of the there is a conflict of V. with latter Vedanta, i, p. cvi.
regard to the things created, - Mr. Gough on, i, p. cxxiii seq. but not with regard to the Lord Vishnu, Brahman identified with v. as the cause of the world, i, or Narayana, i, p. xxxin. 263-266.
- in the Bhagavadgita, i, p. cxxvi. do not contradict one another - contemplated in the sacred Salawith regard to the mode of crea
grâm, i, 126, 178. tion and similar topics, i, 290. - the highest place of, i, 239, 245, - the cognitions of Brahman in
346; ii, 205, 391. timated by all the V. are iden- - - the highest Self is the, i, tical, ii, 184-279; Scripture also 339. declares this, ii, 190 seq.
-- difficulty of knowing it, i, - they all represent the object of 241.
knowledge as one, ii, 190. - contemplated in an image, ii, 338, Vedârthasangraha of Râmânuga, i, 339, 345. p. xxi.
Visvanara= Vaisvanara, i, 150. Vedas seen by men of exalted vision Visvedevas, class of gods, are non(rishis), i, 213.
eternal beings, because pro- Sandilya did not find highest bliss duced, i, 202. in them, i, 443.
Vital air (prâna) remains awake in - mantras enjoined in one V. only, the state of deep sleep, i, 162–
are taken over into other V. 168. also, ii, 274.
-- is the bhiman the? i, 163- three, the syllable Om common
168. to them, ii, 282 seq.
-- represented as the Self of -- the members of the sacrifice everything, i, 164.
on which the meditations rest, -- is immortality, i, 164. are taught in them, so also the - may be called "higher' with meditations, ii, 282.
reference to the body, i, 172. Veda-upanishad, i, 94.
- - is the maker of all the persons, Vedic texts have for their object the person in the sun, the
that which is dependent on person in the moon, &c., i, Nescience, i, 8.
269. [38]
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