Adityas, class of gods, i, 202, 216. Adrishta. See Unseen principle. Advaita, non-duality or monism
taught both by Sankara and
Råmånuga, i, p. xxx. Agå does not mean pradhana, i,
p. xxxix, 252-257. the elements beginning with light
are meant by, i, 254 seq. - denotes the causal matter meta
phorically, i, 256 seq. Agatasatru, i, p. cv. dialogue of Bâlâki and A., i, 268
374. Agent, every action requires an, i,
337 seqq. Aggregate, the seventeenfold, ii,
teratrically, causal 54 segith light
Ag8765, 65 the dyad, with itsished,
Abhipratarin. See Kaitraratha. Accents, udatta, anudatta, svarita,
depend on the tone, Parti, page
108. Action, five classes of, and five
organs of, ii, 81. Actions (karman): birth, a. and
death, i, p. xxvii. - there is no confusion of a, or
fruits of a., because there is no extension of the acting and en
joying Self, ii, 68. - the soul takes with itself the
results of good and evil a., when
leaving the body, ii, 102. - some single a. are the causes of
more than one new existence,
ii, 118. - not the fruits of all a. are brought
about by death, the fruits of some a. being enjoyed in this
life already, ii, 118, 119. - the fruits of, according to
Gaimini, are brought about by
the a. themselves, ii, 182. - see also Works. Adhikaranas, "heads of discussion,
I, p. xxxi. Adhvaryu priest, ii, 340. Åditya, the sun, i, 216, 217. - the ideas of A. &c. are to be
superimposed on the members of the sacrificial action, i, p.
Ixxvii ; ii, 345-349. - is A. to be meditated upon as
Brahman, or Brahman as Å.?
ii, 343-345. - the reaching of A. constitutes
the fruit of certain works, ii, 347. Vayu comes before A. (on the
path of the gods), ii, 385.
Aggregates, the dyad of, assumed
by the Bauddhas with its two causes, cannot be established, i, 400-409. the Gaina doctrine that a. are formed from the atoms, i, 430
seq. Agni, the eater of food, i, 116,
117. - the highest Self, from the etymo
logy agni = agrani, i, 150. - offers to Agni, i, 215. - fire, i, 117. - having become speech entered
the mouth, ii, 91 seq. - speech enters into, at the time
of death, ii, 105 seq. - and the man in the sun are not
equal, though the term 'death'
is applied to both, ii, 267. - means light, when mentioned on
the path of the gods, ii, 383. - Vaisvånara. See Vaisvanara. - see also Fire.
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