thus we do not assume something contrary to observation. When the text says 'by his mere will,' it implies, as in the case of a king, the whole apparatus of other easily procurable instrumental causes by which the desired object is obtained. Besides, if the fathers and so on rose owing to a mere wish, they would be of unstable nature, like the imaginary representation of some desired object, and thus not be able to procure any solid enjoyment.—To this we reply that the rising of the fathers and so on is due to the will only.-- Why so 7—Because scripture declares this. If any other cause were required, the direct scriptural state
is will only' would thereby be contradicted. And even if we admit some other cause accompanying the act of will, it cannot be a cause to be realised by an effort ; for therefrom it would follow that before the realisation of that cause the will would be barren. Nor can the analogies of ordinary experience be applied to something to be learned from scripture. For as the will of the released differs in nature from the will of ordinary men, it may have the power of effecting something that possesses as much stability as the special purpose requires.
9. And for this very same reason (the released soul is) without another lord.
For this very same reason, i.e. owing to the fact of the will of the released person not being barren, he who knows has no other lord over himself. For not even an ordinary person when forming wishes will, if he can help it, wish himself to be subject to another master. And scripture also declares this when saying, "Those who depart from hence, after having discovered the Self and those true desires, for them there is freedom in all worlds' (Kh. Up. VIII, 1, 6).
10. The absence (of a body and sense-organs, on the part of the released) Bâdari (asserts); for thus scripture says.
The passage, “By his mere wish the fathers rise,' shows that the released possesses a mind internal organ, manas) whereby he wills. A question however arises whether he
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