ing praises the nådis, 'There no evil touches him.' The text, moreover, adds a reason for the absence of all evil, in the words, 'For then he has become united with the light.' That means that on account of the light contained in the nâdis (which is called bile) having overpowered the organs the person no longer sees the sense-objects. Or else Brahman may be meant by the light;' which term is applied to Brahman in another passage also, 'It is Brahman only, light only' (Bri. Up. IV, 4, 7). The passage would then mean that the soul becomes, by means of the nadis, united with Brahman, and that hence no evil touches it. That the union with Brahman is the reason for the absence of all contact with evil, is known from other scriptural passages, such as, ' All evils turn back from it; for the world of Brahman is free from all evil' (Kh. Up. VIII, 4, 1). On that account we have to combine the nådis with Brahman, which from other passages is known to be the place of deep sleep.-Analogously we conclude that the pericardium also, because it is mentioned in a passage treating of Brahman, is a place of deep sleep only in subordination to Brahman. For the ether within the heart is at first spoken of as the place of sleep (He lies in the ether which is in the heart, Bri. Up. II, 1, 17), and with reference thereto it is said later on, 'He rests in the pericardium '(II, 1, 19). Pericardium (puritat) is a name of that which envelops the heart ; hence that which rests within the ether of the heart --which is contained in the pericardium-can itself be said to rest within the pericardium ; just as a man living in a town surrounded by walls is said to live within the walls. That the ether within the heart is Brahman has already been shown (1, 3, 14).- That again the nådis and the pericardium have to be combined as places of deep sleep appears from their being mentioned together in one sentence (“Through them he moves forth and rests in the purîtat). That that which is (sat) and the intelligent Self (prągña) are only names of Brahman is well known; hence scripture mentions only three places of deep sleep, viz. the nådis, the pericardium, and Brahman. Among these three again Brahman alone is the lasting place of deep sleep; the
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