way: in the same way as ether and so on, which are mentioned in the beginning of the preceding påda, are understood to be effects of the highest Brahman, so the pranas also are effects of the highest Brahman. And if it be asked what reason we have for assuming the prânas to be So, we reply: the fact of this being stated by scripture. — But it has been shown above that in some places the origin of the pranas is not mentioned.—That is of no weight, we reply, as it is mentioned in other places. For the circumstance of a thing not being stated in some places has no power to invalidate what is stated about it in other places. Hence, on account of equality of scriptural statement, it is proper to maintain that the pranas also are produced in the same way as ether and so on.
2. On account of the impossibility of a secondary (origin of the prânas).
Against the objection that the origin of the prânas must be understood in a secondary sense because the text states that they existed before the origin of the world, the Satrakâra declares on account of the impossibility of a secondary origin. The statement as to the origin of the pranas cannot be taken in a secondary sense because therefrom would result the abandonment of a general assertion. For after the text has asserted that the knowledge of everything depends on the knowledge of one ("What is that through which when it is known everything else becomes known?' Mu. Up. I, 1, 3), it goes on to say, in order to prove that assertion, that 'From him is bom prana,' &c. (Mu. Up. II, 1, 3). Now the assertion is made good only if the whole world including the prânas is an effect of Brahman, because then there is no effect independent of the material cause ; if on the other hand the statement as to the origin of the pränas were taken in a secondary sense, the assertion would thereby be stultified. The text, moreover, makes some concluding statements about the matter asserted, 'The Person is all this, sacrifice, penance, Brahman, the highest Immortal' (II, 1, 10), and * Brahman alone is all this ; it is the Best.'—That same
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