already shown that the distinction of quality and thing qualified does not exist in the case of the soul.—The state-, ments as to the soul abiding in the heart are likewise to be explained on the ground of the buddhi abiding there. That also the soul's passing out and so on depend on the limiting adjuncts, is shown by the passage, What is it by whose passing out I shall pass out, and by whose staying I shall stay? He sent forth prána,' &c. (Pr. Up. VI, 3, 4). For where there is no passing out, no going and returning are known; for what has not left the body cannot go and return !:-As thus the soul (as long as involved in the samsara) has for its essence the qualities of its limiting adjuncts, it is spoken of as minute. The case is analogous to that of Brahman (prągña). Just as in those chapters whose topic is the meditation on the qualified Brahman, the highest Self is spoken of as possessing relative minuteness and so on, because it has the qualities of its limiting adjuncts for its essence (cp. 'Smaller than a grain of rice or barley ;' "He who consists of mind, whose body is prâna,' &c., Kh. Up. III, 14, 2; 3); so it is also with the individual soul. Very well, let us then assume that the transmigratory con dition of the soul is due to the qualities of the buddhi forming its essence. From this, however, it will follow that, as the conjunction of buddhi and soul—which are different entities must necessarily come to an end, the soul when disjoined from the buddhi will be altogether undefinable and thence non-existing or rather non-existing in the samsara state 2.—To this objection the next Sätra replies.
30. The objection (raised above) is not valid, since (the connexion of the soul with the buddhi) exists as long as the soul; it being thus observed (in scripture).
We need not fear that the objection formulated above can be proved.-Why ?– On account of the existence of the connexion of the soul with the buddhi, as long as the
So that the distinction insisted on in Sätra 20 is not valid. · Katham asattvam svarQpena sattvåd ity åsankhyâha samsâritvam veti. Ân. Gi.
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