element the fire, for that is of the nature of the sun. Thus much as to the sacrifice.
18. Now as to the body. Whatever food there is in man, that is his food; whatever water, that is his water; his well-being (safety, strength) is the bones, for they are of the nature of enclosing-stones; his light the marrow, for that is of the nature of the yagushmati (bricks); his immortal element the breath, for that is of the nature of fire;-and, indeed, people say, 'The breath is fire, the breath is the immortal.'
19. Now, hunger ceases through food, thirst through drink, evil through well-being (goodness), darkness through light, and death through immortality; and, in truth, whosoever knows this from him all these pass away, and he conquers recurring death, and attains the whole (perfect) life. And let him hold this to be immortality in yonder world and life here below. Some, indeed, hold it to be breath, saying, 'The breath is fire, the breath is the immortal ;' but let him not believe this, for something uncertain is breath. And regarding this it has also been said in the Yagus (Vâg. S. XII, 65), • That (bond) of thine I unloose, as from the middle of Ayus (life) :' let him therefore hold it to be immortality in yonder world, and life here below, and thus, indeed, he attains the whole life.
THIRD ADHYAYA. First BRÂHMANA. 1. The Gâyatri is the breath (of Pragâpati, the altar), the Ushnih the eye, the Anushtubh the voice, the Brihati the mind, the Pankti the ear; the Trishtubh is that generative breath ; and the Gagati
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