eighty, to the seasons; and those who (pass away) in the (years) above eighty and below a hundred (are consigned) to the year; and he alone who lives a hundred years or more attains to that immortal (life).
9. Only by many sacrifices, indeed, is a single day, or a single night (of life) gained; and only he who builds the one hundred and one-fold (altar), or he who lives a hundred years, is certain of his attaining to that immortal (life). But he, indeed, builds a one hundred and one-fold (altar) who carries him (Ukhya Agni) for a year: hence one should only build (an altar for) such an (Agni) who has been carried for a year. Thus much as to the deity.
10. Now as to the sacrifice. When he measures out those one hundred and one men (man's lengths) with upstretched arms, that is a one hundred and one-fold (altar) in form, and a sevenfold one in respect of its layers: the layers contain six seasonal1 (bricks) and the fire (or altar) itself is the seventh form.
11. And, indeed, it is a hundred and one-fold in respect of bricks,-the first fifty bricks and the last fifty 2 which are (laid down) make a hundred forms (parts); and the bricks which are laid down between (those two sets) are the one hundred and first form.
1 The five layers contain five sets of two such bricks, each representing the two months of the respective season; except the third layer, which contains four such bricks, only, however, of half the thickness of the others.
According to Sâyana, this refers to the fifty Prânabhrits in the first, and to the forty Virâgs, five Nâkasads, and five Pañkakûdâs in the fifth layer.
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