'And he, the upholder, and the overlord,'— these two are speech and mind, for these two uphold everything here; -'may they all, of one mind, settle thee, and the Sacrificer, on the back of the firmament, in the world of heaven!' as the text, so its import.
6. Then on the right (south) side (he lays down one 1), with (Vâg. S. XV, 11), 'Wide-ruling thou art, the southern region,' for wide-ruling indeed is that southern region;-'The divine Rudras are thine overlords,' for the divine Rudras are indeed the overlords of that region;-'Indra is the repeller of shafts,' for Indra, indeed, is here the repeller of shafts-The Pañkadasa-stoma may uphold thee on earth!' for by the fifteenfold hymn it is indeed upheld on earth;-'The Praüga-sastra may support thee for steadiness' sake!' for by the Prauga-sastra it is indeed supported on earth for steadiness' sake; 'the Brihat-sâman for stability in the air!' for by the Brihat-sâman it is indeed established in the air;-May the Rishis, the first-born, magnify thee among gods. . .!' the import of this (and the rest) has been explained.
7. Then behind (he lays down one), with (Vâg. S. XV, 12), All-ruling thou art, the western region,' for all-ruling indeed is that western region; 'The divine Adityas are thine overlords,' for the divine Adityas are indeed the overlords of that region; Varuna is the repeller of shafts,' for Varuna, indeed, is here the repeller of shafts ;— 'The Saptadasa-stoma may uphold thee on
1 That is, the southern of the two half-sized ones to be placed in this quarter.
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