192, 196; four, 120, 156, 199, 206, 216, 222, 367; five, 113, 162; six, 68, 207, 222; intermediate, 120, 212, 223; distant regions, 304; distances, three, 92; of heaven and earth, 99; north-eastern direction (aparâgita), 305, 379, 644disaffected people, loyalty of restored, 240.
336; inflammation, 531; jaundice, 7, 8, 46, 61, 263, 442, 445, 471, 566; leprosy (kilasa), 16, 266, 415, 441, 450; mania: see the word; of nails, 521; neuralgia, 40, 45-7, 506; pâman (eruption), 2, 442, 450; paralysis, 13, 500; prishtyâmaya, 280; râgayakshma, 'king's evil (syphilis?), 342, 415, 561; rheumatism, 282, 506; samskandha (disease or demon), 38, 280, 283, 672; scrofula and scrofulous sores (cf. apakit), 17 ff., 472, 488 ff., 503 ff., 558-9; spasm, 2; St. Vitus dance, 513; transmission of, 47, 309; of teeth, 24, 72, 454, 521; tumours, 17, 19; udyuga, 450; vâtîkâra, vâtikrita (inflation, winds), 10, 22, 246, 483, 516, 602; venereal disease, 341; viklindu, 174, 658; vilohita, 600, 657; visara, visarîka, 280, 284, 673; visarpaka (visalpaka), 531, 601; vishkhanda (cf. samskandha), 37–9, 61, 65, 67, 257, 280, 282, 339, 382, 672; worms in all parts of the body, 22-24, 313 ff.; worms in children, 23, 452; wounds (cf. fractures), 20-1, 419, 516; yakshma, 247, 291, 337, 416,463, 468,505,507. dogs, 106 (watch-dog?); as beasts
of prey, 129; heavenly (sun and moon), 13, 500; bitch, foureyed, 68; of Rudra, 158; of Yama (messengers, four-eyed), 54, 59, 60, 167, 318, 404, 422, 500, 571.
double meaning, 238, 250, 254, 259, 306, 313, 346, 381, 386, 544, 549, 645, 664; cf. alliteration and puns.
dreams, evil, 12, 61, 69, 82, 167, 221, 394, 483 ff., 592, 605, 642. dridhikarmâni, a ceremony, 640. driveling woman, 109. Druh, demon of deceit, 14-5. drum (hymns to), 117, 130 ff., 204, 436 ff.; spell in, 77. Dvita, a water-god, 521-2. 'dwelling, mistress of,' 140, 194-5, 346; cf. house. Dyu, a sky-god, 50; female of Surya, 661, 665.
discord: see strife. diseases, charms against, 1 ff. Enumeration of: abscess (vidradha), 40,47,531,602; agЯâtayakshma, 'unknown disease,' 40,342,531; ague, 448; akshata (tumour), 488, 562; alagi, 602; apakit (scrofula), 17 ff., 472 ff., 503, 558-9; arishta, 513; âsarika, 280, 637; âsrâva (excessive discharges), 483; balâsa, 2, 8, 39, 40, 42, 46, 57, 61, 280, 383, 442, 450, 463, 531, 575, 601, 674; blood, flow of, 40, 531, 657; breaking disease,' 38; of children, 341, 343; colic, 11, 283, 506; constipation, 10, 233, 235; consumption, 49, 247, 415, 442 n, 450, 463; convulsions, 37, 55, 283, 467; cough, 2, 7, 8, 247-8, 442, 513; deformity, 72; demons of disease, 33-9, 339; diarrhoea, 46, 233, 325, 327, 445, 483, 601; discharges, excessive, 8 ff., 277, 481, 672; dropsy, 11 ff., 42, 89, 241, 450, 471, 509, 530, 562; ear-ache, 40, 44-5; epilepsy, 264, 513; of the eye, 5, 12, 24, 30, 40, 47, 415, 454, 464; fever (takman; cf. takmanâsana), of all sorts, 1 ff., 39, 46, 60, 157, 218, 233, 246, 270, 273 ff., 280, 415, 441-2, 445, 451, 468, 470, 569, 676, 681; fractures (cf. wounds), 19, 384; galunta (swelling), 17, 505; gambha, 280, 283, 467, 572; gâyânya (tumour), 17, 560-1; gout (in heels and toes), 12; grâhi (fit, seizure): see the word; head-ache (sîrshakti), 5, 7, 45-6, 248, 252, 415, 442, 657; heart-disease, 7, 12, 40, 264, 471; hemiplegia, 500 n; hereditary disease (kshetriya), 13 ff., 47, 67, 286 ff., 293, 302,
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