5. As women break reeds for a mattress with a stone, thus do I break thy member ..........
I, 18. Charm to remove evil bodily characteristics
from a woman. 1. The (foul) mark, the lalâmi (with spot on the forehead), the Arâti (grudging demon), do we drive out. Then the (signs) that are auspicious (shall remain) with us; (yet) to beget offspring do we bring the Arâti !
2. May Savitar drive out uncouthness from her feet, may Varuna, Mitra, and Aryaman (drive it) out from her hands; may Anumati kindly drive it out for us! For happiness the gods have created this woman.
3. The fierceness that is in thyself, in thy body, or in thy look, all that do we strike away with our charm. May god Savitar prosper thee!
4. The goat-footed, the bull-toothed, her who scares the cattle, the snorting one, the vilidhi (the driveling one), the lalâmi (with spot on the forehead), these do we drive from us.
VI, 110. Expiatory chaim for a child born
under i 7 unlucky star. 1. Of yore, (O Agni), thou wast worthy of supplication at the sacrifice; thou wast the priest in olden times, and now anew shalt sit (at our sacrifice)! Delight, O Agni, thy own body, and, sacrificing, bring good fortune here to us!
2. Him that hath been born under the (constellation) gyeshthaghnt (she that slays the oldest '), or
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