4. The gâyânya, winged, fies; he settles down upon man. Here is the remedy both for sores not caused by cutting, as well as for wounds sharply cut!
5. We know, O gâyânya, thy origin, whence thou didst spring. How canst thou slay there, in whose house we offer oblations ? C. Stanza sung at the mid-day pressure
of the soma. 6. Drink stoutly, O Indra, slayer of Vritra, hero, of the soma in the cup, at the battle for riches ! Drink thy fill at the mid-day pressure! Living in wealth, do thou bestow wealth upon us !
VII, 74. A. Charm for curing scrofulous sores
called apakit. 1. We have heard it said that the mother of the black apakit (pustules) is red: with the root (found by) the divine sage do I strike all these.
2. I strike the foremost one of them, and I strike also the middlemost of them; this hindmost one I cut off as a flake (of wool).
B. Charm to appease jealousy. 3. With Tvashtar's charm I have sobered down thy jealousy; also thy anger, o lord, we have quieted.
C. Prayer to Agni, the lord of vows. 4. Do thou, O lord of vows, adorned with vows, ever benevolently here shine! May we all, adoring thee, when thou hast been kindled, O Gâtavedas, be rich in offspring!
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