Thus the Taittiriya-samhità mentions rik, såman, and yaguh alone at II, 4, 12, 7; 5, 7, 1; VI, 1, 2, 4; VII, 3,
1,4; 12, 1; the same categories are alluded to The AV. in
the" at II, 4, 11, 6, in the expressions sâmnah, yaguTaittirfya shâm, and ukthamadânâm ; at III, 2, 9, 5. 6 samhita.
in the expressions udgâtrinâm (with udgitha), ukthasamsinâm (with rikah), and adhvaryûnâm ; cf. also ishtayagushah, stutastomasya, sastokthasya at I, 4, 28, I. The only mention of Atharvan literature is at VII, 5, 11, 2, under the designation angirasah (without atharvânah ?), and here the text is as follows: rigbhyah svâha, yagurbhyah svåhå, sâmabhyah svâhâ, angirobhyah svâhâ, vedebhyah svåhà, gâthâbhyah svâhâ, nârasamsîbhyah svâhå, raibhî. bhyah svaha.
This also, in the main, is the nature of the references to the AV. in the Satapatha-brahmana. Either the term
w trayi vidyâ is used, or rik, sâman, and yaguh The AV. in
** are mentioned explicitly: I, 1, 4, 2. 3; II, Satapatha- 6, 4, 2-7; IV, 6, 7, 1. 2; V, 5, 5, 1. 9; VI, brahmana.
1, 1, 8; 3, 1, 10. 11. 20; VII, 5, 2, 52; VIII, 5, 2, 4; IX, 5, 2, 12; X, 4, 2, 21. 22; 5, 2, 1. 2; XI, 5, 4, 18; 8, 3-7; XII, 3, 3, 2; 4,9; XIV, 4, 3, 12 ; 8, 15, 2. 9. In all these cases there is no mention of the Atharvan; but neither is there any mention of any other literary type that has a distinctive standing outside of the trayî vidya. On the other hand, the Atharvan is mentioned in a number of cases, every one of which presents also a lengthy list of additional literary forms. Thus XI, 5, 6, 4-8, rikah, yagūmshi, sâmâni, atharvangirasah, anusâsanani, vidyâ, vâkovakyam, itihasapuranam, gåthå nårâsamsyah ; XIII, 4, 3, 3 ff., riko vedah, yagûmshi vedah, atharvâno vedah, angiraso vedah, sarpavidya vedah, devaganavidyâ vedah, mâyâ vedah, itihâso vedah, purânam veda), sâmâni vedah ; XIV, 5, 4, 10; 6, 10, 6; 7, 3, 11 (=Brih. År. II, 4, 10; IV, 1, 2; 5, 11), rigvedo yagurvedah samavedostharvangirasa itihâsah puranam vidyå upanishadah slokåh sútrâny anuvyakhyânâni vyakhyânâni ; X, 5, 2, 20, adhvaryavah (yaguh),
1 Ct. above, p. xviii.
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